Chapter 44

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"Come on Adelaide it's your turn!" Olive pressed, making me groan in defeat. Currently the four of us were sitting around a poorly made campfire, the girls taking turns telling scary stories. Apparently it was now my turn.

"Fine.. but what is there to tell?" I asked, genuinely thinking of a scary story. They all shrugged, almost in unison.

"Who knows, just come up with something," Amanda said, and I sighed.

"Oh come on, it can't be that bad!" Taylor cheered. So far I'd learned a little more about each girl. Amanda I already knew was a sweetheart, and Chelsea was like her slightly more vain twin. Taylor was always making jokes, although they weren't very good, and Olive was as sarcastic as they come. Although I don't think she could ever step up to Princess Pan if it came to a battle of sarcastic words. I raked my brain for what felt like ages, when in reality was probably only 5 seconds before I came up with something.

"Alright, I'll tell you about the time I saw a ghost," I said, and all the girls grinned. They were all huddled together in the cold, whereas I was alone due to a lack of trust in these girls. I mean, of course I trusted them- I was spending a weekend in the woods with them. But seriously, I'm not huddling with these girls!

"Well go on then!" I was snapped back from my thoughts, nodding my head and gathering the memories before continuing. I stared directly at the fire as I started.

"When I was 5 years old, my family went camping at a place just like this," I began. The girls looked intrigued, and I shifted uncomfortable whilst wrapping my coat around me more. "My brother had gone missing and I went to look for him in the middle of the night. Stupid for a 5 year old, right?" I asked, and they chuckled. "Well as I was out there, in the woods, in the dark.. I heard a noise. Obviously me being a kid, I asked who was there," there was the sound of a twig snapping suddenly, and all our eyes darted to the trees, but we saw nothing. "And in response, someone called out; 'I'm here little kitty,' and I started spinning around. I did a full circle until I saw a dark, shadowy figure standing in front of me," the girls looked pale at my story, but nonetheless I continued. "I was about to say something when the figure stepped forwards to touch me. I bolted, being chased for who knows how long. Until eventually I ended up back in our campsite, where my parents found me," I said. The girls all looked confused, which made me smile. "I guess it chased me back home. It's not that crazy but it's the best I've got," I finished, and the girls started clapping. I laughed at their behaviour, and shook my head. When they'd finished their applaud, Amanda stood up.

"Well, we should get to sleep ladies. Who's coming with me to use the woods as a bathroom?" She asked. All the girls slowly turned their heads to me and I sighed.

"I guess it's me," I shrugged, watching as the girls all cleaned up for the night. I grabbed two flashlights, handing one to Amanda and beginning to walk with her. We walked for a few moments in silence, trying to distance ourselves so our temporary bathroom wouldn't be near the campsite.

"So.. is that story really true?" She asked out of nowhere. I lifted my foot to step over a tree root as I answered.

"Yes," I wasn't lying. I mean, completely. I had seen a figure in the woods when I was 5. It just wasn't a ghost.

"Alright, here's good," Amanda said, which pulled my attention away from my inner debate.

"Okay. I'll go wait somewhere else," I told her, walking away to give her some privacy. As I walked through the dry forest floor, I heard a twig snap.

"Amanda? That you?" I lifted up the flashlight to view my surroundings, when something caught my eyes. There was something written on a tree. I approached it slowly to see it was written in a red, gooey liquid. My eyes scanned the words as the horrible realization dug its way into my apparently thick skull. My fingers reached up slowly to run over the words, my lips shaping the sounds as I read it out loud.

"Here kitty kitty.."

Another two twig snaps, and I turned around to see another tree with the same details, but different words. I paced quickly to the tree and looked to see the new words written in blood. That's right.


"I see you Kitty, Kitty,"

The words made my blood run cold, and I shook my head quickly at the sight.

"Amanda!" I screamed, running back to where I thought the girl was. "Amanda!" I screamed once more, waving the flashlight around frantically. That's when I heard an ear piercing scream. My head whipped to the side, the flashlight's beam following. Immediately my feet sprinted to the source of the voice; the campsite where the other girls were. I didn't even think twice as I made it to the camp. My eyes widened and my throat closed of when I saw what was possibly the most disturbing thing I could have ever seen. In front of my were each other the girls, lined up in a row.


Each one had a wooden stake sticking out of their chest, and were kneeled down with opened eyes; blood splattered all over their bodies. The smell was disgusting, and I immediately dropped the flashlight, a scream escaping my lips. My hand reached up to cover my nose and mouth, my feet taking my slowly backwards.

"No.. no no no no no," I shook my head, tears pricking at my eyes. I'd just met these girls, they were so innocent, and happy, and I'd cost them their lives. They were dead because of me.

Suddenly an uproar of flames grew from the place of the campfire we'd previously burned, making me jump back and hit something cold. A pair of arms wrapped around me, one hand on my mouth and the other one crossed over my chest and arms, pinning me to the person's body. I knew who it was before I even heard their voice.

"This is what happens when you break a deal with me, kitty," the words made my spine crawl as he whispered them in my ear. I could tell his teeth were gritted, and he was very clearly angry. I looked ahead and saw the silhouettes of what I was assuming to be two lost boys standing next to the girls' bodies.

"Burn them," he growled angrily from behind me, making me try to pull away as a screech escaped my lips. The lost boys did as they were told and pulled the girls' bodies from the stakes, my stomach churning at the sickening sight. However my attention was then drawn from the actions before me when he whispered those dreaded words in my ear. The simple words that held so much power over me. They made my heart rate increase dramatically. My eyes widened, my palms became sweaty, my blood ran cold and goosebumps form on my skin.

"You're mine,"





I don't have much more to say so..

why was i typing in caps

Love y'all whomever you may be!! Xx :D


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