Chapter 14

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"Well you like it better than the cage don't you?" He argued back.

At the moment me and Peter were bickering because I was complaining about being stuck in this tiny room again.

"Well yes but-" I started.

"Exactly. I don't want you to leave here because I don't want you to be around the other boys. They may get a few," he paused. "Ideas," he glanced up at me, a little nervous for my reaction. At least that's what it looked like. I kept my arms crossed firmly across my chest and raised an eyebrow. He hadn't managed to get me into the bed yet. That sounded wrong. I didn't mean it like that, I swear!

"What kinds of ideas?"

"Ideas I don't want them having," he stated firmly and then the two of us just plain up started rambling at each other. We pointed our fingers in each other's face, and whenever one of us touched the other, we'd burst out saying things like "Don't you touch me right now!" And "Stop it!"

If someone was watching I'm sure they'd be laughing on the floor by now.

"Adelaide, now!" He boomed. My eyes widened and I glanced around.

'Wow' I mouthed, throwing my arms up in defence.

I walked over to the bed and sat down, but not I didn't lay down, and refused to go under the covers. I wasn't even sitting against the headboard, I was sitting on the edge of the bed. My arms were crossed and I didn't even look at him, just stared straight ahead.

He raised an eyebrow this time.

"Lie down and go to sleep Adelaide or I swear I will sit on you until you do so,"

I burst into laughter.

Since I was laughing so hard, I couldn't talk, so I just thought in my head.

I'm sorry. I just-I can't. It's just..

I had fallen backwards on the bed, rolling around.

"If you aren't going to sleep then I'm going to stay here and bug you to death,"

Oh dear lord he's already trying to be my brother. Or was it Father? I don't remember.

"What?" He asked.

He rolled his eyes and walked over, pulling me under the covers somehow.

"No!" I started flailing my arms around in protest.

"Yes!" He mocked.

Kind of like he had to Corey in that memory.

"Get off and lemme go!" I whined.

He snorted at how I was acting like a child again.

"Baby," my expression went completely offended.

"As-" I started but I stopped myself when he shot me a look.

"Do you want Willow?" He sneered.

Now, I could tell he was in a bit of a bad mood.

I shook my head. I think I got an idea, but I tried hard not to think about it.

"No," I spat, rolling over and not facing him.

"Fine. Be that way," he sighed bitterly. I heard the shuffling and footsteps he made as he walked out, then sat up and looked around. I thought for a few moments about how we were actually acting like an older brother and sister, or a father and daughter and it didn't do much more than make me uncomfortable. But then I looked around the room again.

Finally he leaves me alone.

In my head I counted to 120, which was equal to 2 minutes. You can never be too careful, and I wanted to be absolutely sure he was gone. After that I whipped the duvet off and carefully walked towards the little opening. I peeked over the edge, and he wasn't there.

Mentally fistpumping I carefully and quietly stepped down onto the forest floor. It was a bit cold and I was still only in a white tank top and leggings. I wasn't even wearing shoes, so it hurt to run and I had to make sure there was nothing on the ground that could affect my ability to run.

Speaking of running, I looked around once more and was glad when I saw he was nowhere to be found. Seeing as no one was around, I bolted down the path. I had no idea where I was going or what I was going to do, but I wanted out.

There was a fork in the road not too far down, and I turned right.

What if I find Corey?
What if I get caught?
What if Pan finds me?
What if a lost boy finds me?
What's if Pan's shadow finds me?

So many things were buzzing through my head that I wasn't paying attention to my surroundings.

It was too late when I finally did. A bright orange hued light was glowing in my face and I skidded to a halt at the end of the path. There was a large campfire in the centre of a clearing. Boys danced around everywhere and then I spotted Pan talking to one, off to the side of the campfire. He was tall, and I could see bleach whisps of hair coming from under his dark hood. There was a menacing looking club sitting on his shoulder and I knew I didn't want to mess with him any time soon.

I glanced at Pan; the boy he was talking to looked directly at me and started smirking. Then Pan was suddenly nudged by the boy he was talking to. He turned to look at me and the first look he gave me, made me giggle.

It was a look of utter 'What the heck'. He was confused as to what I was doing there. Then my face changed to straight up terror as his expression changed to one of pure rage. No, not anger. Rage.

Many of the lost boys had stopped what they were doing to look at me, and I just looked around frantically. I saw Pan shake his head at me and start walking over. And I only thought one thing.

Oh no. I'm screwed.

A/N: another one of those chapters that's just there to keep all of you from ripping your heads off.




Yes, I do understand that views are spread between chapters, but as I always say I didn't even expect 1 freaking person to read this like seriously.





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