Chapter 22

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What's going on..? Oh my god my head...

Brightness. All I could see was brightness surrounding me. Light, blaring through my eyelids.

What happened?

I couldn't remember anything.

Then the rest of my senses returned. I could smell a distant burning fire, and I felt soft and surrounded by pillows. But I also felt someone rubbing my cheek.

My eyes slowly opened and saw a boy sitting up on the bed next to me. A very attractive boy, might I add. He smiled at me softly, continuing to comfort me with his soft touch.

I stared up at him in a little bit of worry and fear, but he didn't do anything but return it with his own soft gaze.

"Hey there kitten," he murmured.


A small chuckle escaped his lips as he tilted his head to the side.

"Yes Kitten. Don't you remember?" He asked sadly. I started to slowly shake my head, but it only resulted in me grabbing it and holding it with my hand.

"Shh shh shh," he said worriedly. "You took a hard blow to the head," he murmured, pulling my hand away and grabbing a bowl that was on the table. Placing it on the bed, he pulled a white cloth from it, and rung it out with his free hand. He brought it up to my head, and pressed the cold piece of fabric to my temple. It felt so nice, and I let out a sigh of relief to prove it. "There you go darling," he whispered. I couldn't help it, but a soft smile grew on my lips. "There's that smile I love," he grinned. "Wh-" as I started to talk, I felt a throbbing pain now in my jaw. "Don't try to talk. Just think. I'll know. Trust me,"

Um, okay?

"There you go," he smiled, lightly dabbing my head with the cold cloth.

I-I wanted to know who you are..

"I'm your father," he answered simply.

R-really? But you look like you're the same age as me- wait, how old am I?

He chuckled again.

"Yes, it seems strange. We're in Neverland, time stands still here. I let you age to you're best age before bringing you here, however," he paused. "You're seventeen, darling. I'm thousands of years old," his gaze focused on what he was currently doing; dabbing the side of my head with the cold cloth.

What's your name?

"Peter," he met my stare for a moment before dipping the cloth back in the bowl for a moment. "Peter Pan," he added as he lifted the cloth once more.

What's mine?

"Adelaide," he smirked as the cold feeling returned to my head.

What happened?

"One of my boys attacked you. Don't worry. He's been taken care of," he said afterwards.

T-taken care of? As in.. killed? Or just.. punished?

"Yes that's what I mean. I'm sorry but you're not getting hurt by anyone. I can't afford to keep him around," he replied coldly, giving me a firm glare.

The Monster Under My Bed • Peter Pan, Once Upon A Time •Where stories live. Discover now