Chapter 18

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3rd person view

"What're you doing?" Adelaide looked up at the 3 girls in front of her.


She was now 8 years old.

"We said that nobody was allowed to play over here. Only us," One of them said bitterly.

"You're not the boss of me," Adelaide defended.

Another girl stepped forwards.

"Oh yeah? Well I'll tell Mrs.Harper on you!" She threatened.

"Mrs.Harper says we're allowed to play anywhere we want!"

"Mrs.Harper!" The little girl cried. The teacher was there a few moments later.

"Yes Violet? What's wrong?" She asked sweetly, bending down to the younger girl's height.

"Adelaide pinched me and said that we weren't allowed to play here!" She wailed.

What? No I didn't!

"No I didn't!" Adelaide said defensively.

"Yeah you did!" The little brat cried again, holding her arm where she was supposedly pinched by Adelaide.

"Yeah, she did!" One of the girl's friends said as backup.

"Adelaide! You should be ashamed! That's the 3rd time this week! Go to the timeout chair, and think about what you've done!"

Seriously, in the 2nd grade with a timeout chair. Silly isn't it.

Adelaide pouted and crossed her arms, stomping away in frustration. Why did those girls always have to pick on her? She never did it. If Corey we're here he'd make it all better.

She missed Corey a lot. She even missed that Peter boy she met. Maybe he would've been some sort of comfort source for her if he was here.

"Adelaide you need to apologize for what you've done," Mrs.Harper said sternly. "

"But I didn't do it!" She whined.

"Adelaide! What have I said about whining in the class?"

Adelaide used to like Mrs.Harper. Until those mean girls turned her against the 8 year old. Now Mrs.Harper was strick and mean-but only to Adelaide, seeing as she was branded as the misbehaved child.

She frowned and crossed her arms over her chest again.

"I. Didn't. Do it!" She yelled.

"Fine then. You can sit here for the rest of class, and when your parents pick you up I'll be telling them what you've done!"

The teacher turned around to walk away, and as she did so, Adelaide stuck her tongue out at her. Luckily, she wasn't caught. From across the room she could see those 3 girls smirking and snickering at her. Adelaide only rolled her eyes and looked away.

Eventually the time came when Adelaide was to be picked up. She sat in her car seat and fiddled with her fingers. Her mom picked her up, and Adelaide knew she would be more forgiving. But ever since Corey was taken, her dad was a little... harsh. She knew her mom would tell him what happened, and he'd be mad, but she also knew her mom knew she didn't do it. Adelaide's mom knew about the girls because Adelaide told her. So Adelaide just sat in the back seat quietly, glancing every so often at her mom's reflection in the rear view mirror.

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