Chapter 28

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"I said, come here," he said even more darkly than before. I didn't realize it but I was taking steps back from him.

"You should do what he says," James suddenly caught my attention.

"Excuse me?" I whispered.

"Just do it," he whispered, nodding and pulling his hand away from my grasp. I sighed, giving him and the other boys a glance before pulling away from the one person who was between me and Pan.

Physically speaking.

I walked up to Pan, who had a malicious grin plastered across his face, and watched as his arm outstretched and wrapped tightly around my waist. I was so confused as to why Pan was acting like this, acting all creepy. I was even more confused as to why I was only now realizing this.

"There's my good little kitty," I gave him a look that said. "Are you kidding me?" And tried to stand as far away from him as possible, but he pulled me up against him firmly, his face oddly close to mine. "Now, boys. What to do with you," he said, tapping his chin. I looked down, not wanting any of them to see me like this. Whatever 'this' was. "Ooh! I know!" He said with and evil little smirk and bouncing slightly in excitement, tapping all his fingers against his chin since his other hand was firmly wrapped around me.

"Kitten, could you be a doll and go get me my knife," he said like a maniac. I honestly didn't understand anything that was happening, this is not how Peter had been acting before, and it was really scaring me.

"Um.." I said slowly, not wanting to do anything that could hurt the boys. He looked over at me with a confused expression.

"Princess, how come you're not doing what I've asked?" He asked.

"I-I.." I looked between him and the boys.

"I don't want them to get hurt,"

His facial expression moulded itself into one of pure anger, like before. His jaw was clenched, and his eyes were then on the ground, turning a darker shade of green than before.

"What?" He asked bitterly.

"You heard me. They did nothing wrong. I-I don't want you to hurt them. So I won't help you," I said firmly, faking my confidence for an effect. Even though he could see straight through me and knew it was fake.

Out of the corner of my eyes I saw Chris making an 'oh crap' expression, whereas Finn's expression read. 'Ohhhhh she made a mistake' and James' was... unreadable. I couldn't explain his expression even if I tried.

Peter pulled me against him firmer, and pressed my chest against him so I was facing him. I looked down, but felt his firm grip lift my chin so my eyes met his.

"Do it. Now," he told me. I shook my head, gulping down my fear into a ball in my chest.


He shook his head in disapproval.

"Boys, I'll deal with you later. Back to camp. Now!" He ordered them firmly, and they obliged immediately.

"Now darling, it's your turn first," he said sweetly, poking my nose.

"For what?" I asked, terrified for what was most likely just about to happen.

"I'll tell you what kitten, if you go get me the knife, then I won't use it on you," he smiled at me. Smiled.

"I-I.." I started, trying to pull my face away, but looked him directly in the eyes. That's when I realized his eyes were not the emerald green I had grown fond of, but instead were a sickly gray-ish cyan colour.

The Monster Under My Bed • Peter Pan, Once Upon A Time •Where stories live. Discover now