Chapter 21

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All I could feel.

Was nothing.

I couldn't even feel the pain anymore. It was too much.

I just lied there. On the bed where I had woken up. Not under the covers. Not with my head on the pillow. Just lying in the middle of the bed, sideways.

Still covered in blood.

My legs dangling the smallest bit off the edge. My head, on its side, facing the right.

One hand on my stomach. The other stretched out where I could see it. And for the whole time I'd been there, however long I'd been there, I couldn't take my eyes off of my bloody, bruised, scratched arm.

I couldn't take my eyes off that intricate design, the one he'd drawn with the dagger. It would never leave. It'd be scarred into my arm forever. It's worse than a tattoo. Because even a tattoo can be undone. But this.


It can never be undone.

Because he wouldn't do it for me with his magic.

He wanted it to be a reminder of what he could do to me.


I have no idea what he did to my face. I have no way of telling. But I don't think it's anything like this.

In a way, it was a beautiful, magical almost, design. But on the other. It symbolized something. It was a mark. A mark that would follow me everywhere. And it wasn't good.

Having no idea what the mark could possibly mean, I could only assume. Only assume from the last words I'd heard recently. The ones that I'd replayed over and over in my brain, as it continuously echoes throughout my somewhat emptied mind.

"You're mine and mine alone,"

Is that what this all means? Did he mark me as his 'property'? Was it a symbol of possession? Perhaps. But I shouldn't be assuming anything, never. Especially here, in Neverland. And especially not with Pan.

I felt a tear slowly roll its way from the inner corner of my eye, and slowly over my nose, to what was now my opposite cheek as gravity did its job. Slowly blinking, I took in a staggered breath.

But my 'staggered breath' was more like a wheeze. And my 'blinking' was more like me trying to blink, but being to drained to try and open my eyes again.

There was another swoosh noise and my eyes fluttered open (if you call opening your eyes very very slowly fluttering), and I stared at my arm again.

"Oh my little kitten is having such interesting thoughts today, isn't she?"

I didn't even have enough energy, let alone pride or confidence, to think about the new pet name he'd just given me.

"Such lovely skin that had to go to waste. Terrible, don't you think?"

When I didn't reply, I heard footsteps getting closer. Then I saw his legs walking around the bed to the side my head was almost dangling on. He stopped right at the edge, and I knew he was looking down at me. But I couldn't look up for 2 reasons.

1) That would just be crazy-daring to look at him in general let alone at his face.

2) My eyes can't roll backwards that far, and even if they could I still have skin that would prevent any vision I had.

"Why do you look so sad?"


"Awe is my little kitten crying?" Now before everything that's happened, I would've say he had guts for acting like this. But now. Ohh. Not now. If I thought that I'd be screwed even more. Then I felt his knuckles brush over my face, around where my cheekbone was. "It's such a shame that I had to treat you like this. Too bad I'm not finished yet,"

What?! No! Please no not again I can't go through that again, it was too much! I know I can barely feel anything but it will only make it worse and-

I started rambling inside my head, my head barely moving in panic, but he cut me off by placing a finger on my parted lips.

"Shhh darling. If you complain it'll only get worse," he sang. Then he paused. "But how about I make you a little deal, hm?"

Again I just replied with silence.

His finger pulled away from my lips and started tracing circles on my cheek lightly. I felt the bed sink down next to me on the opposite side of my head, a dead give away that he had sat down. "If you beg me not to do it, then I'll do it the easy way-for both of us. It just involves quick, simple magic is all," he murmured. "But only if you speak. Not in your head. Out loud," he said with what I'm sure was a maniacal grin plastered on his face.

"But if you can't, then I'll do it the other easy way. Easy for me that is. Quite painful for you. And I get to have a little more fun that way," he said it so softly, that it sounded like a whisper but at the same time wasn't.

I couldn't speak, it hurt way too much. I could barely even blink. He knew I couldn't, but he just wanted to torture me even more

You know I can't. Please I'll be your little kitten or princess or whatever name you want to use but I can't do it, it hurts to much, just ple-

I heard him hum a soft chuckle.

"Sweet. But I'm afraid it doesn't work that way, kitty," he said, stopping the circles.

What are you even going to do this time? Wait no I take it back I don't want to kno-

Wrong move Adelaide.

"Oh my dear, sweet little kitten," he purred. His hand pulled away from my face and I saw him bend down to reach me through my peripheral vision. And his warm breath against my ear.

"I'm going to beat Corey's memory from your skull,"

A/N: yeah it's bloody and violent deal with it if you don't like that stuff then I'm sorry for being too lazy to post a warning at then beginning.










Love y'all whomever you may be!! Xx :D


P.S. SERIOUSLY WHY IS IT IN ONE CHAPTER I THANK YOU ALL FOR 500+ VIEWS (while probably looking, and defiantly feeling like and idiot) AND THEN THE NEXT (this one) JOW THANKING YALL FOR 600+ VIEWS?!?!?!?!?!??????!!?!??



Green hearts cause Peter Pan 💚

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