Chapter 13

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"Peter, where are we even going!?" I complained rather loudly. He only chuckled lightly.

"You'll see, just be quiet will you," he replied.

We'd been walking for a good 20 minutes. I didn't know Neverland was this big!

He was walking in front of me, and I glanced around.

Could I possibly run away, find his shadow, and find my brother, then get out of here?

Immediately he whipped around and glared down at me.

"What?" I asked blankly.

His stare was cold, his jaw tensed and his lips in a thin line.

"Never. Never. Think about escaping Neverland," his eyes were dark and his posture was intimidating.

I stared up at him nervously. Unfortunately I forgot for a minute he could read my mind.

"No one gets off this island without my permission. Understood?" I nodded submissively and stared fumbling with my fingers. "Besides," he made me look back up at him. "I'd find you anyways," He grabbed one of my forearms and dragged me forwards. "You should be careful or I might just not let you out of your room anymore," Again I only nodded, not daring to speak a word. "You're lucky I'm not taking you back there now Adelaide," he grumbled.

I only kept my gaze on the path in front of me, and focused not tripping or falling because he was dragging me along so harshly.


He glanced sideways at me. I don't know if it was softly, in annoyance or what, but he glanced sideways at me.

Until eventually we reached a small clearing.

"What're we doing here Pan? What's the point? What sick twisted games to you have planned no-"

Pan cut me off with his hand on my mouth.

"Shh," he whispered. "You have to be quiet, or it won't happen,"

I twitched an eyebrow and planted my lips firmly in a thin line.

"What won't happen?" I mumbled back as he took his hand away.

As he ignored me he looked around with a smile.

"Just wait," I rolled my eyes and managed to cross my arms, since he let his hand drop away from its strong grip on my forearm.

Out of nowhere there was a little speck of light. I rubbed my eyes, to make sure I wasn't seeing things, and smiled softly afterwords.

There were tiny fireflies lighting up the grassy little clearing. I could tell I was staring up in amazement, and I could feel Pan staring at me with his own grin from beside me.

"Do you like it?" He asked suddenly. I couldn't stop smiling- it was beautiful!

"It's magical," I meant to say it louder, but it came but a whisper.

I took a few steps forwards (thankfully Pan let me), still looking up at the little dots of light around me as I slowly stepped in a circle, still making my way to the middle of the clearing. Once I was there, I outstretched my arms on either side of me and started spinning around, giggling all the while. Not even gonna deny it. Giggling was alright in this situation, it was magical. Straight up gorgeous.

Pan followed behind me at a slower pace, a soft grin planted on his face.

"You have no idea how magical it is," he said softly.

I looked down, finally, and stared at him in question, a smile still twitching at the edge of my lips.

"These aren't fireflies Adelaide," he started, moving his hands up and gesturing to them now surrounding us.

"They're pixies,"

I looked around more.

"Pixies are a type of fairy, right?" I asked. He only nodded in response, looking around himself.

Suddenly, he took my hand.

"C'mon, let's dance, shall we?" I furrowed both my brows at him as he placed my hands in the dancing position.

"Why?" I asked.

"Why not?" He smiled back, and suddenly, we were lifted into the air.

My eyes widened and I sort of leaned forwards and hugged him for dear life.

I am not proud of it.

He slowly pushed me away so I could look around.

"Calm down, we won't go too high if you don't want to," he whispered. I nodded frantically and he only chuckled. "And don't worry, I've got you so you won't fall,"

"Well that's comforting," I retorted.

He half glared, half chuckled at me. Then he lifted my chin with his hand and smiled.

"Look around you Adelaide. It's rather... magical,"

Little devil was mocking me.

I rolled my eyes but did so, looking around at the beautiful sky surrounding us.

We were just above the treeline, and down below I could see the pixies were weaving their way between the trees, making it look like lanterns in the forest. I didn't notice he brought us down to the top of a tree and he smiled.

"Touch it,"


"Run your hand through the leaves. Trust me, Adelaide," I sighed and did it.

My fingers slowly ran through the leaves and a little cluster of actual fireflies came out.

I smiled. The pixies were glowing a soft golden colour. While these little fireflies let off a beautiful green glow.

It was a nice contrast. I ran my fingers through the leaves of a few more trees, making the sky light up even more than it usually did with just the stars.

We landed back on the ground and I continued to stare up and around me in awe.

I didn't notice Pan had sat down in front of me, so I did the same, my legs crossing.

"Are you glad I showed you this now?" He asked.

As much as I hated to admit it, I nodded slowly, looking downwards at my fingers.

"I can show you so much more in Neverland Adelaide. You just have to give it a chance," he said quietly, but it was full of hope and enthusiasm.

He was so bitter and rude and just playing twisted and sick in the beginning, and now he's being gentle and sweet and nice and..

But what was his original plan? How would it have helped him to only lie to me?

I'm so confused now.

But I need to figure this out. So I need to gain his trust. Which is what he was going to try to do to me.

Two can play at this game, boy.




A/N: Honestly idk guys. Like seriously I almost fell asleep with my phone on my chest while typing this that's how tired I am.


I have no idea where I went with this, chapter buuuuuuuuut I had the fireflies/pixies part planned for a LONG time.

So yeah.

The music is what I imagine/intend to play in the background of the whole pixies/fireflies part.



Love y'all whomever you may be!! Xx :D


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