Chapter 25

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"Adelaide!" I bolted up from my sleeping position, which wasn't as elegant as you might have imagined it to be, to my name being screamed. I looked around, only to see nobody there. And then suddenly Peter was.

"Peter how did you do that?" I asked. 

"I'm magic, remember?"

"Excuse me, but last time I checked I can't remember anything," 

"Oh well, you'll get used to it," he said, brushing passed the conversation.

Well that was brushed off quite easily.

"Whatever," he rolled his eyes. I only returned the favour right afterwards. "Adelaide," he said sternly.

I only sighed, glancing at my feet sticking up like a little mountain under the covers. Y'know, if a mountain could be described as two narrow bumps under a patchwork quilt. Once I was done with my little observation, I met his eyes again.

"What can I do for you?"

"Nothing, you showed up here," I said, and he nodded stepping closer to the bed with a smirk.

"There's something I'd like to do," I furrowed my brows together, looking around the room for any hint. "C'mon, let's get you dressed first," he said suddenly, putting his hand out for me to take.

I then just stared at his hand, trying to debate whether or not he was serious.

"You are not helping me get dressed," I stated. He rolled his eyes.

"Well you have to show me before we leave so I can make sure it's appropriate for what we're doing." He said.

"Oh really, DAD?" I mocked him. Once again, his eyes rolled, and he looked away.

"Just chose some stuff from the trunk," he said, waving me off once more. His mind must be somewhere else today.

"Adelaide! Hurry!" He yelled, making me jump out of my little thought and off the bed. He'd left the room and I searched through the chest to find something appropriate. I hope I can, I mean, I don't even know what we're up to! Looking through the chest, I tossed pieces of cloth here and there until I found a brown tank-top, and a dark pair of weird trousers that were skinny like leggings, but weren't quite leggings.

As fast as possible, I threw it all on. However I was wearing a long sleeve before, and when I took it off to change, I wasn't prepared for what my eyes were about to meet. A screech escaped my lips, the only other thing I could do was stare at the dried blood and scars.

"Adelaide what's wrong?!" Peter suddenly appeared, and I didn't even care that I was only in a bra in front of him. He frantically came closer to me as I whipped around and thrust my arm in his face.

"What is this?!" I shrieked. He looked down and saw what I was holding out.

My dried, sore, bloody arm, of which bore a mark, cut into my skin by what I would assume to be a knife or dagger. He only looked at it with an unreadable expression on his face- better yet, none at all. When he looked back up at me, he only sighed.

"It's nothing you need to worry about," he informed me.

"But-" I started.

"No buts!" He yelled, making me flinch away.

"Just continue getting dressed, I'll be back in a minute," he then spoke softer.

And like that he vanished again. My brain couldn't comprehend how he had just brushed me off once more, so all I could do was stare at the spot where he once stood, and open and close my mouth in shock. At some point I was able to look down, but the mere sight of my arm made my skin crawl. So I quickly put on the tank top and leggings, and waited for Peter.

When he returned, he held something in his hands.

"I have a jacket to cover it up," he said to me calmly. My head nodded up and down slowly, hugging myself tighter as I did so. He walked up to me and wrapped it around me, letting me put my arms through the holes, and then starting to do it up. As he made his was up the buttons, his eyes landed on my face. I was only staring at his chest, not completely conscious, nor aware to my surroundings.

When suddenly, I felt a soft kiss on my forehead, I was drawn back to the present.

"It's alright kitten. Like I said, it's nothing you need to worry about. Trust me if it was I wouldn't still be taking you out to show you something," he whispered soothingly. I nodded again, finally looking up at him.

"Peter?" I asked.

"Yes kitty?"

I glanced down again, and then to the side, and finally, to his eyes once more.

"Where are you taking me?" At first his expression was on of 'how could you not know' but then, a smirk drawled out on his lips, and he stared down at me with a hint of pleasure in his eyes.

"To meet the Lost Boys of course,"

A/N: DAMN im proud I updated sooner than last time :)

Hope y'all enjoy this chapter! I have some fun stuff planned don't worry ;)

We're sooooo close to 3k views I'm FREAKING OUT. And I also have a little announcement.

If this chapter brings it up to 3k reads, then I have a little "contest" (?) to hold. It's not really a contest, since there isn't any winners, but there IS A PRIZE!!

Oh n also, I think I'll save the Instagram chat for another time.

The "contest" (I'm just gonna call it that) involves the lost boys soooo ;) hehehe


Love y'all whomever you may be!! Xx :D


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