Chapter 8

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Quick A/N: The video is simply a reference for the magic later on in this chapter. I'll put a little * when it happens in case you want a visual aspect. By no means do you have to watch the video! Happy reading!!


Where's Corey?

We were camping in the woods and me and my brother had stayed up a little, watching the fire and roasting marshmallows. He went out for a walk after he'd tucked me in from my sugar crash, but then he never came into the tent.

"Corey!" I called into the woods. "Corey?" I walked around, hugging Willow to my chest as tight as I could.

Willow was my teddy bear that Corey had won for me at a carnival.

I slowly walked around a tree to see my older brother Corey talking to someone. No.


All I could see in the dark was a pair of glowing purple eyes. They stared down at us but had no pupils. Just,, solid purple.

"Corey?" I asked.

He whipped around and stared at me with wide eyes.

"Adelaide? What're you doing out here? You're supposed to be asleep baby girl," he murmured, kneeling next to me.

"What're you doing? Who's that?" I asked softly, and quiet frankly I was trembling with fear. Corey pulled me close to him, rubbing my arms with his hands.

"It's okay. Don't worry nobody is going to hurt you," he whispered in my ear, rubbing my back.

"B-but Corey what's going on?" I stuttered. He pulled away a little bit and rubbed my arms, holding them in his.

Corey is a lot older than me. He's 17 and right now I'm 5.

"We must hurry," A voice said behind Corey.

"Corey?" I started to cry. He pulled me into another hug.

Corey was the best brother in the world. He'd always comfort me, spend time with me. I really loved him. And he really loved me. Eventually he pulled away from me and looked me in the face.

"I don't want to leave her," he murmured while looking at me, though his words were directed at whatever was behind him.

"Then call it goodbye for now," the menacingly hoarse voice said again.

"Leave?" I asked. Corey stared me in the eyes with a soft frown.

"Adelaide calm down," he put one of his hand on the side oy my head. My tears started to fall even faster then they were before and my emotional breakdown getting a bit out of hand.

"Are you gonna leave me?" I asked with wide, scared eyes.

"I'm sorry Adelaide," he sighed, trying to calm me with his voice and with his hands. "I don't have a choice. They won't let me stay," he said.

"Who's they?"

I held onto Willow for dear life.

"I can't tell you Adelaide," he whispered.

"Why not?!" I cried out.

Just then Corey was being pulled away from me.

The Monster Under My Bed • Peter Pan, Once Upon A Time •Where stories live. Discover now