Chapter 3

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"What a lovely name," he murmured, looking me up and down and clenching his jaw. I didn't like the way he was staring at me, and that gave me a sudden burst of confidence.

"Do you have any more questions or shall I be left here to rot with no answers of my own!?" I said boldly. I heard him chuckle slightly, which kind of pissed me off.

Does he think this is some sort of game?

Before I could process what was happening he shoved the cage backwards with his hands, and his face was almost pressed against mine, since I was poking my head out of the cage as best as I could.

"Why of course my darling Adelaide. Everything is a game," he stood up from where he was crouched and continued to circle the cage, his hands behind his back and his eyes narrowed into tiny slits of judgement. I watched as his feet crunched on a stray leaf that had made its way into the clearing. He was silent for a while, and it was really getting on my nerves. I hate dead silence. If there was a choice for me to be dead, and to have dead silence? I'd jump off the first bridge I could find.

"Do you like games?"

His question caught me off guard, but I refused to look him in the eyes, and just continued to stare at the ground.

"What, like monopoly?"

He didn't answer.

"I-uh.. I-I guess..?" I said softly, rolling my lips back and listening to the sound of his feet walking around me.

"Good. Because I love games," he paused, continuing to walk around me. "Would you like to play a game?" He said, stopping directly in front of me again. My eyes were on the ground, and when I glanced up for a split second, his eyes were boring into mine. Even when I wasn't looking. "Well?" He asked rather impatiently, not moving from hus current stance of power from standing over me.

"Um, I guess?" I said slowly, wincing slightly at the thought of whatever sick twisted game he had in mind.

"Great! Well, what game shall we play?" He started pacing and talking to himself, his hands falling from their place behind his back. I sat there in silence as he muttered to himself, until a thought crossed my mind.

"I have an idea?" I said softly. The rambling stopped and so did his feet. I looked down at my hands, playing with my fingers, and went to look up at him again but he was gone.

I jumped back when he suddenly appeared face to face with me.

"Are you sure? Because my games are quite fun," he said, his eyes narrowed and his eyebrows furrowed together in question of what angle I was playing; yet he managed to carry a child like demeanour of himself.

"W-we could play.." I began, but he leaned in closer, his hands wrapping around the supposed bars of the cage. "A g-game of riddles?" I stuttered.

A malicious grin started growing on his lips as he stared at me.

"What a spectacular idea," he said, his head turning to the side once more, and another one of those twisted smiles forming on his face. "Why didn't I think of that?" He asked me, waiting for an answer, although I knew it was a rhetorical question. I shook my head with wide eyes, shrugging. "Well, shall we discuss the rules?" He asked. I slowly nodded, not knowing what else to do and only focusing on distancing myself from him. "Alright, well I'll let you decide then," he said sweetly, leaning back again.

"But choose wisely," he then said, sitting down comfortably and waiting for me to speak; his eyebrow raising and a neutral look appearing on his face.

"I-if I win then.." I paused and he raised an eyebrow at me again, waiting with a grin. "You have to answer all of my questions," he glanced to the side, taking in a deep breath and thinking it over, but nodding in the end. I smiled and nodded, hoping I'd finally be able to get some answers.

"And if I win?" He asked, my head raising and my expression dropping when I realized we still had to actually play the game for me to get some answers.

"You get to ask me questions?" His face dropped and he stared at me silently, his look saying everything. "Well, w-what is it you want from me?" He began to smirk immediately.

"If I win, I get to take something of yours- the details of which will be discussed at the end of the game," he smirked.

"What?! That's not fair!" I whined.

"Well you didn't say what questions you wanted to ask me, so I don't have to tell you what it is I want," he said stubbornly, and I cursed myself out in annoyance, shaking my head in defeat.

"Now, may I make a slight adjustment?" He asked me, staring and me again. I slowly nodded, there was honestly no other reaction.

"I-I guess." I muttered nervously.

"I won't answer all of your questions," he paused and my mouth dropped open. "I'll answer only 4," he stared at me for approval, but I knew there was no point in arguing, because he'd just do it anyways.

"Fine. But then you don't get what you want from me- only a quarter of it!" I argued pathetically. My immature behavior made him start laughing and he shook his head playfully, rocking back slightly but then moving on.

"Would you like to start, or shall I?" I shrugged, resting my chin on my knees and watching him- which was a mutual action between the two of us.

"Well then Adelaide. Let's play,"


A/N: I've been trying to do daily updates but yesterday I had a little bit of writers block, and I was out with friends so I didn't exactly have the time...

Again I would like to thank every single person who's even taken the time to GLANCE at this story I didn't expect 2 people to read this, let alone the amount there is.


Love y'all! Whoever you are!!

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