Chapter 49

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^do me a favor and ignore Nicola Peltz because we're only really here for Robbie, right?

When it comes to Peter Pan getting mad, sad or confused, that was one thing. But when Peter Pan got furious, that was another. All of Neverland knew it. The wind blew so loud that it sounded as if someone was holding your head and screaming directly into your ear. The lost boys would try their best to continue what they were doing, but would dare not look him in the eyes. They knew better than to duck down and hide in their holes like the animals would. As for the sky, to paint a picture, it was all out hell. Lighting signalled the feeling of the world ending and the colours would sift together all at once; all of his emotions displayed boldly across the field for the whole island to see. For the lost boys the colours were a tell tale sign as to what emotions he was feeling. Usually it would be fiery red, signalling he was full of rage, or it was a deep blue, signalling he was sad or upset.

When Peter Pan got furious, all of Neverland could tell.

But this time the sky was a dark purple mess of clouds and rain.

Peter Pan was torn.

His heart was going two separate ways.

One half of him was feeling angry. He was angry that the girl who had his heart, quite literally, was disobeying his every word. True, he was not king of Neverland, but there was no kings in Neverland. Perhaps that was because, by definition, Pan was of higher standing than a king. He ruled the island and not a single being dared to argue with him, no matter what the subject. Yet along came this girl. He had beaten, abused and absolutely broken her, yet she still fought back. She resisted his command and rebelled against every one of his desires.

Now the other half of him held a sense of... well he couldn't begin to describe it. He wasn't sad, nor was he happy. Her snappy comebacks and sarcastic comments, as annoying as they were, brought an upward curve to his lips. No matter how many times he did her wrong, she refused to give in to him and she was willing to start a new life on the island, and she wanted him to be a part of it. One thing was for certain, she had fire.

And he liked fire.

In that moment, Pan was sitting at the top of Dead Man's Peak. He was waiting, he wanted to see if this girl would make it to the top within a reasonable amount of time. Neverland was covered in a torrential downpour, a tell tale sign of Peter's distraught. He slowly poked his head over the side of the peak in order to catch a glimpse of the girl attempting to seal her future on the island.

Well, not exactly.

His eyes narrowed and all he could see was her slender fingers struggling to get a grip in the rain. He debated flying down to where she was and taking her in his arms. That side of him wanted to take her to his thinking tree and waste the neverending time with her and talk until there were no more words to say.

The other part of him hoped she would fail so that he would have the opportunity to finally extinguish her fire.

But her fire was what he loved about her, he wanted her to take that fire and burn anyone that stood in her way.

But what he wanted more than anything else in that moment, was to understand what exactly it was he wanted.

He pushed himself up in frustration and went to his thinking tree. If she made it to the top, he would know. If she slipped and fell, he would be there to catch her before she hit the ground. He got to the tree and climbed it like a normal person would. Yeah, he had magical abilities but it was something he truly enjoyed. He reached one of the highest branches that could hold him and got as comfortable as he could.

And he began to think.

What was it her really wanted?

He wanted Adelaide.

Okay, that was the easy part, now how did he want Adelaide? What did he want from her? For her?

How did he want her? Well he wasn't quite sure yet.

What did he want from her? Well for this he had to go back to when he first found her, when the shadow told him she could save him. As he'd already decided, he wanted a do over, a redemption from his son. He thought about one of the things that kept him sane when he first gave him up. How he knew that Rumple would find his way. He had the women who always used to look over him, he would grow into a fine man and he would make do with his potentiel. But he didn't want a literal child. He didn't want the hassle of finding a woman and settling down, and even if he could, she would be too young to carry a child for him to eventually take for himself. This got him thinking about rumple's mother, and how much of a fool he felt for falling for the Black Fairy of all the women he could've fallen for.

Was he falling for Adelaide?

He knew that when she was younger, he wanted her to be his little lost girl to praise and treat like a princess. He wanted to show her the wonders of the island. He used to picture her surrounded by the lost boys, enjoying herself and smiling to her heart's content. He then imagined her falling, or failing to shoot a tiny arrow with a tiny bow; she would run to him crying, seeking comfort in him. Someone light to balance out the darkness in his heart. From that thought, he knew he did need her in order to complete his master plan.

Now that Adelaide was older, it was difficult to decide how he felt. She was closer to him in his physical age, yet he was still thousands of years old, and she was now only 18. He didn't want what most people thought a man wanted from a girl, he knew that much. For now, that part of himself was tamed. But he still desired a queen he could spoil.

Perhaps it was the island itself. Perhaps he was growing out of it, and needed a new Neverland. But he couldn't do that without killing Adelaide. He would have to use the dark curse made by the dark one himself; his son, you see. Acquiring it would be no problem, mind you. The problem was crushing the heart of the thing he loved the most.

That was Adelaide.

He couldn't live without her in his life, and he didn't think about it in just the literal sense, with him needing her heart and all. Pan needed to decide what he wanted and he needed to decide fast, time was running out. He needed to decide what was best for him, Adelaide, Neverland and of course, the lost boys.

He just didn't know what that was yet.


A/N: Yeah I love confusing the living hell out of all of you. So if you read my last A/N in the last chapter, yes it is still the same day except it is now almost 5am because I got distracted by Mr.D and by coffee and by phone calls and facetimes and I'm scared because it was light outside and then it was dark and now its getting light again and if I'm up for a full 24 hours I may just cry (i was up for 38)

I'm still determined to finish all these chapters because I'm in writing mode, I have all my  ideas and I know that if I don't finish this now I won't update for a long time and I just need to get this done

Plus I have a little surprise for the final chapter just in case you guys want a little bit more.. :))

Love y'all whomever you may be!! Xx :D


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