Chapter 29

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"Will you please just tell me already?" I said impatiently, my arms crossed. Pan had immediately whipped us away to the little room I stayed in before, where he had proceeded to stall by saying very short, and rather cryptic sentences. He was currently pacing around the room, probably trying to come up with yet another excuse.

"PETER!" I screamed. He stopped in his tracks and turned to me slowly.

"Don't yell at me," he muttered angrily, continuing his pacing. I rolled my eyes and let myself fall backwards onto the pillows, but not closing my eyes. Luckily throughout the whole time we'd been there, Peter's eyes had turned back to their regular green- which I was beyond thankful for since that meant no surprise kisses. Finally he turned to me, and put his finger out.

"You're not my daughter," was his opening statement.

"OH THANK YOU!" I screeched out in relief. He gave me an annoyed glare because of my screaming, but walked over to me, making me sit up and back away from him immediately. He sighed, grabbing the dreamcatcher that I had moved to hang off the headboard. He was only noticing it was there now, and gave it an extremely peculiar look, probably wondering how it got there. He handled it quite delicately, trying not to let it spin around.

"Look here," he said.

"W-" I started.

"Don't ask questions, it's better if you just do as I say," he instructed me.

"Uh.." I shook my head, my mouth open and my eyes wide. He rolled his own and then looked at me afterwards.

"I won't do anything like that, I promise you," he said, looking directly into my eyes. I knew he was being honest, because that's all I could see in his green pupils. Honesty.

His expression read of nothing else.

He was bending down so he could look into my eyes, and sat on the edge of the bed afterwards, putting the dream catcher in front of me. I stared at it, but then he cleared his throat, making me look at him. He glanced at the object, nodding his head towards it and then tilting it in his hands.

"Oh!" I said, realizing what he wanted me to do. I took it in both my hands and looked directly at it.

I was distracted once more when I saw him shifting around to sit cross-legged in front of me. I had to do the same thing, since my legs were sticking out. He kept edging closer to me, until he was close enough to look into my eyes. I glanced down at the dreamcatcher and he nodded, telling me I was to just look at it no matter what.

So, I did as he asked and stared at the large green stone in the centre. His hands placed themselves carefully over mine, and I couldn't help but grin as the dreamcatcher enveloped me in its bright yellow glow.


"It's defiantly her, it couldn't be anyone else," the shadow spoke out.

Pan glanced around, slightly annoyed.

"Are you sure? She seems..." he trailed off. Normally he would've used the word innocent, but that wouldn't work this time, since that's what we're trying to figure out. He simply shook my head. "It can't be her. I don't want to hurt her like that," he told it firmly. It let out a chuckle.

"Oh, is dear Peter in love?" Pan rolled his eyes, vomiting inside his own head.

"She's five, I'm over a thousand, and you're deeply disturbed if you think that," he retorted simply.

The Monster Under My Bed • Peter Pan, Once Upon A Time •Where stories live. Discover now