Chapter 7

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"What the he-" I started, but then he silenced me with a look.

Ohhhh that look!

I stared at him, he smirked.

"Surprised? Didn't believe in magic until now? Thought fairytales were for four year olds?"

I glanced around💀

I didn't think, and yet he still read my mind.

"Um...." I dragged out the word awkwardly longer than I needed to. It was almost comical, really.

He chuckled lightly, then leaned a little closer. "Quite frankly Adelaide, I thought you'd remember me," he murmured.


"I-I.." I started.

"Shh," he put a finger on my lips, and when I looked down at his finger my head hurt from going cross eyed.

"We'll wait until later to bring that up," he said quietly, staring at his finger on my lips.

No no no, don't be thinking like that, boy.

"Oh relax," he muttered, very clearly annoyed as he pulled his finger away and then stood up.

"So," I began, watching as he raised an eyebrow at me again.

I chuckled to myself. "What?" He asked, perfect eyebrows then pressed together.

"Nothing, I don't want to be murdered," I said casually, continuing to suppress my childish giggles.

"Adelaide," he stretched out my name teasingly, a little light-hearted grin appearing across his face. "Tell me,"

"I was just," I started giggling again and glanced up at him. "You sure?" My hand hovered over my mouth as I tried to contain my mild hysteria.

"Yes," he replied honestly. I simply shrugged in response.

"You asked for it," I sighed. "If you're Peter Pan, then where's Tinkerbell?" I asked cheekily.

He started doing that thing, where I could see his tongue moving around on the inside of his mouth, and boy could I tell he was annoyed as he crossed his arms.

"You, my darling, have a death wish,"

Again, I shrugged.

"I told you I didn't wanna say it, cause I didn't want to piss you off," I retorted.

He raised both eyebrows this time.

"I'm sorry, what was that? Were you talking back to me?" He asked.

My eyes widened at the realization of what I did. Yes, I get it. I just met him, and I was just a bit of a b-uh, a brat to him. But I was still scared out of my mind. Who wouldn't be?

"No," I said immediately, looking down.

He grinned softly.

"Good," he paced again. "Moving on, Adelaide, I would've kept rambling about some huge elaborate story as I was before, but I think it'd be too much work, and you've opened up a whole new door for me by figuring out who I am on your very own," he shot me a glance, and I swore I could see pride dancing in his eyes.

The Monster Under My Bed • Peter Pan, Once Upon A Time •Where stories live. Discover now