Chapter 11

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3rd Person View

Pan walked slowly through the forest, still holding the teddy bear. He let out a sigh, brushing a finger over its soft face.

Continuing on, he walked along a separate path that led away from the camp, and to a small treehouse like structure, that wasn't too far off the ground. He climbed the ladder, and walked over to the small trunk in the corner, which held many important and precious items of his.

A beautiful dreamcatcher he had crafted by hand-at least in his opinion it was beautiful. Pandora's box, which he had acquired from past events. The old doll made of straw, which he had once given to his son, and much more.

Now, it also held the toy that his little lost girl had given him. Yes, she was still his little lost girl. He was going to get her no matter what. He wanted a do over, to redeem himself from Rumplestilstkin.

Closing the chest, he stood up and made his way back to the campsite.

Once there, a wicked grin grew upon his lips. What he saw pleased him.

"And what's going on here I might ask?"

Corey, Adelaide's brother, was tied up in the middle of the clearing, and being taunted by the other boys.

"Let go of me!" He yelled in annoyance, squirming around to break free of the ropes. Then Corey's eyes landed on Pan.

A cold glare glazed his eyes over.

"You," he said through gritted teeth.

Me!" Pan said mockingly, stepping a few feet closer.

Pan was now directly in front of the teenage boy, and the other lost boys had spread out in a large circle
around them, keeping quiet and observing with intrest.

"You made me not only abandon my sister, but leave her alone in the dark woods alone!" He screamed in Pan's face.

The leader of the lost boys just stood there in amusement.

"Don't worry. I brought her home safely," he said calmly.

Corey's facial expression changed, he was even more furious with Pan then before, trying to run at him, though he was tied to a post.

"You better not have gone anywhere near her!"

Pan only chuckled even more at this boy's pathetic excuse at an attack.

"On the contrary, she held onto me for dear life, it was rather adorable," he laughed, encouraging the other lost boys to do so as well. "Especially when she gave me that dear teddy bear of hers," he smirked triumphantly, pacing around the boy in a circle.

"She wouldn't. That meant to much to her- I'm the one who gave it to her!" Corey argued.

"Well, she did,"

Corey followed Pan as his malicious grin only grew more with each spoken word.

"You should've let me stay with her Pan! She'll be broken!"

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