Chapter 46

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"I'm not doing it, jackass," I said without the slightest bit of respect in me.

"Oh, come on Adelaide! It's really not that difficult!" Pan groaned.

"I said no, this is slavery. I have rights. And I do not consent to this," I replied calmly.

"Seriously, you just have to open your mouth and put it in for god's sake!" He argued.

I turned to look at the spoon full of soup in his hands, my eyes narrowing.

You may have thought we were arguing over an entirely different manner but, no, I was just refusing to eat.

I'm on a hunger strike, you see.

"Would you just eat already? I'm worried for your health. And I really don't want to force feed you like the toddler you are acting as!" Pan whined. I was being as difficult as possible for him. After all, I was trapped in this awful tree house with him as an awful human being. Well, as human as he was.

"You need your strength, Adelaide! I need you to be able to perform properly," he begged.

"Perform? What am I now, Beyonce?" I replied sarcastically. He let out another groan and allowed himself to fall backwards on the bed, acting like a 7 year old child who's mother wouldn't allow him to have dessert.

"Please?" He whispered. I continued to sit there in protest of his ways.

That's when he stood up and angrily stormed off. I looked around the room to make sure no lost boys were watching, and nor was he. When I was absolutely sure, I jumped up and snatched the bowl of soup, chugging the whole thing down because I hadn't eaten anything he'd brought me in four days.

Your girl almost starved.

I slammed the wooden bowl down and sighed in defeat. I knew it wouldn't be long before he would force me to eat something- and I mean literally force this time. I heard a sudden clank noise and jumped half a foot closer to the dresser I was standing next to.

"Holy mother of god what was that," I said to myself. I turned to see yet another mysterious item on my beside table. It was a little metal container. I walked over to it and looked around to see if I could find anything that could lead me to a culprate. Unfortunately, nothing was to be found. So I lifted the lid of the circular container and saw the most surprising thing in the world.


Heckin'. Peanuts.

On top of them was a rolled up piece of paper, no bigger than my thumb. I furrowed my brows and squinted my eyes as I unrolled it to read the tiny letters.

It wrote "trust me, he won't know. this way you can carry on with your little display of rebellion. not much more and soon you'll be set free,"

I knew I should've been more worried about what any of those words meant, but I couldn't help but be happy that I had food to eat, without Pan knowing! I grabbed a handful and immediately managed to eat about 30 peanuts. Don't ask me how.


Pan stormed into the camp and ignored every lost boy who spoke to him. He walked into a tent and from outside, the only things the lost boys could hear was the sound of his angry screaming, and what was most likely him pushing over everything that he saw. Bursts of light came from the tent flap and every boy winced in unison at the idea of him destroying whatever was in his hands. Then it stopped. There was silence. No boy moved. No boy even breathed.

"Felix, would you come in here,"

All eyes turned to the tall boy who, in that moment, looked absolutely terrified. He knew not to keep Pan waiting and slowly stepped towards the tent, lifting the flap in order to fit his head in to join Pan inside. Before him was destruction. Papers, wood, and random pieces of fabric littered the floor. Pan stood on the opposite end, his knuckles white and his breathing heavy.

"You asked for me?" Felix's voice was nothing more than a whisper. Pan turned around and didn't look him in the eye.

"She won't listen. She won't eat, she won't look at me. She barely speaks to me unless it's a sarcastic comment," Pan spat through his gritted teeth. Felix let out a sigh and didn't say anything. "Well?" Pan lofted his gaze as well as his voice.

"Um, what are you asking me exactly?" Felix asked. Pan sighed and shook his head.

"I'm not sure what to do. Being sweet isn't working, but being disciplinary isn't working all too well either," Pan kicked a piece of wood on the ground. "I'm at a loss,"

Felix shook his head.

"You've shown her angry Pan. You've shown her sad Pan, you've shown her princess- I mean, sweet Pan" Felix paused as Pan narrowed his eyes. "And you've even shown her Possessive Pan," Felix said.

"And your point is?"

"There's one side of Pan you haven't shown her. The side that nobody dares to stand to. I can guarantee you if she sees that side of you," he pauses once more and Pan lifted his eyebrow in interest. "She won't even look at you wrong," Pan slowly grinned.

"And what is this Pan you speak of?"

Felix looked down before speaking.

"It's what me and the boys refer to as.. demonic Pan,"

Pan let a twisted grin grow onto his face.

"I see," he paused. "Well I'm sure she'd delighted to meet him," Pan then stormed out of the tent like a man on a mission.

"If Demonic Pan is what it takes, than Demonic Pan is what she shall receive,"

A/N: ya welcome my lovelies henlo and good day to you sure


Not much for me to say except I'm going to try to write much more very soon so I can get back to my "every other Thursday" routine

Here's a game for you all: who/ what do you think is giving Adelaide these notes and items? If so, why do you think that?

Have fun theorizing

Also yes or no: should I make a trailer for this book and put it on YouTube to be watched/ in the Prologue? I would really enjoy making it if that's ok with you guys! But I'd like opinions first...

Love y'all whomever you may be!! Xx :D

- R

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