Chapter 37

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"She's not well!"

"She's a liar,"

"We must care for her!"

"She's killed Pan!"

"How could she do that? She's just a wee one!"

"He's been missing for almost a whole day!"

"Oh shut up there's no such thing as day in Neverland you idiot!"

"Don't call me and idiot, idiot!"

"You started it!"


"Both of you shut up!" A loud voice boomed above the rest. For about 10 minutes I had been silently listening to what I'm assuming was the lost boys arguing over what to do with my unconscious body. So far, it was 3 against 3, with about 5 who refused to choose. 3 in favour of me living, and 3 in favour of me... well... I think you get it.

"I suggest you do something before both of us die kitten,"


That little devil's voice rang out in my head. But, I didn't understand how. He was dead! He was gone.


My eyes flew open, but I was confused. I hadn't opened them. They opened on their own. I know it sounds crazy, but it's true!

"She's up!" I looked at Chris who had spoken. He was kneeling right next to my head, while Finn seemed to be standing guard over me, and James was in a chair next to Chris. Closer to the entrance stood Cedric, with crossed arms. Kyle and Jack were siding with him, and that was everyone in the tent.

"You-" Cedric started, but then a loud noise case from outside in the camp.

Everyone's heads snapped to the entrance, and then suddenly Felix barged in.

"When did you find her? When did she wake up?" He asked, pushing through everyone. Everyone stared at him. "Answer me!" Felix boomed, and the others just glanced around.

"She just woke up," Chris spoke up, everyone looking at him. He placed a hand on my cheek and rubbed in gently as I started to sit up. Felix stared at me for a moment, and then glanced at the boys.

"All of you, out. Now," he spoke, all of them getting up immediately, and walking out. Although my friends were reluctant.

When everyone had left, Felix looked at me.

"What happened?" He asked me, his eyes cold and narrowed. I didn't reply, only coldly stared back from the bed I was on. "Don't think I don't know what Pan's plan was. Now tell me what happened," he said, taking a step forwards, and clenching his jaw.

"N-nothing," I stuttered, making him raise an eyebrow and smirk.

"Nothing eh?" He asked, which made me frantically nod. He paused, stepping closer until he was next to me, bent down, with his fingers under my chin.

"Then we have no use of you,"

He tossed my head aside and glared at me.

"The Lost Boys can make whatever they want of you. But trust me, it won't be pretty," he sneered, leaving angrily and storming out of the tent with a huff. I only sat there in shock. I didn't know what to do. But what I did know, was that I had to get out of there.

"Then get out,"

My head snapped up, and what I saw nearly gave me a heart attack.

"No..." I whispered to myself, shaking my head.

"Yes!" He said in mock offence, bouncing in joy like a small child. There, crouching like a monkey on the foot of my bed, smirking like a the little prick that he was, yet somehow looking like a goddamn Greek god with that raised eyebrow.

Was Pan.





Actually there's nothing I'm a loser with no life

Aha you thought something interesting was about to happen.

Well I don't got much to say except I'm working on-

No I won't spoil it :)

Love y'all whoever you may be!! Xx :D


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