Chapter 15

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The first thing that came to mind is what I did.

Run for your goddam life.

So I bolted like my life depended on it. Because it did.

"Adelaide," I whipped my head over my shoulder and he wasn't there.

When I looked forwards again, the bloody creepy was in front of me, and before I could stop, I rammed into him, then fell backwards on my butt.


He chuckled at me rubbing my head on the ground.

"So gullible," he smiled. I shook my head, holding it and then looked up. Kneeling down, he lifted my chin with his finger, moving my head around like he was checking it.

"You're lucky you didn't get scratched by anything," he said. "Especially the dreamshade," I furrowed my brows, pulling my head away from his grasp.

"What's dreamshade?"

He didn't answer and simply stared at me in annoyance. Something I'd grown used to at this point.

I opened my mouth in offence.

"What is it with you and not telling me things till later, when they're actually really important. There's literally no reason for you to hide these things from me!" I complained.

He scoffed, then stood up and walked in a circle around me.

"Where did you think you were off to?" He spoke firmly.

"I was just going for a walk," I shrugged.

Again he chuckled, clearly not believing me.

"Then why did you run away from me when I saw you? If you truly just wanted to go for a walk you should've told me when I came up to you and I would've gone with you," I glanced around nervously.

Searching my brain for an excuse, but then realizing he could read my mind, I sighed.

Nothing. I got absolutely nothing. Damn. Well I'm defiantly dead.

I looked down, and he had walked around me about twice now, but this time he stopped behind me.

"What were you doing?" He asked me.

All I could do was answer truthfully.

"I was trying to escape," I mumbled.

"What?" I felt his feet move a little behind me so he must've leaned in. And he bloody well knew what I said.

"I was trying to escape," I said a bit louder.

"That's what I thought," there was silence for a moment, and then he spoke up again.

"Now what I didn't think of, was why you would want to escape me-or Neverland,for that matter,"

I snorted, not sure if he was serious or not.

Cause you're an as-

He cleared his throat loudly behind me to cut off my thoughts, and I only sighed.

"You're a meanie," I said like a baby.

"Dear god you are still 5 years old," he groaned.

"That was rude," I muttered back.

Letting out a sigh from behind me, he bent down, and I felt his knee softly graze my back as he did.

"Why am I a meanie?" He asked me like I was still 5.

The Monster Under My Bed • Peter Pan, Once Upon A Time •Where stories live. Discover now