Chapter 45

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The same bed,

But colder sheets.

The same windows,

But with iron locks.

The same wood,

But rotting.

The same treehouse.

But with a heavier atmosphere.

I was in the exact same place. But Pan had found any and every single way to ruin it for me, and make me as uncomfortable as possible. Maybe it was his form of punishment? Maybe it was his way of showing me how pissed he was, and that he wasn't going to be even the slightest bit nice anymore. And I couldn't believe I'd even thought he could possibly end up changing, ever. Pan hadn't been in the position to kill me yet, however. No, he still needed me; meaning he couldn't yet dispose of me. I'm not sure he could ever do so, for that matter. After all, his whole plan involving the balance between his dark heart, and my light soul was in dire need of me staying alive. Not that he actually treated me as if I was a living being because, let's face it, I didn't get that respect. Yet, Pan still had his ways of making me feel important. Though, after my almost escape, that didn't mean much. When he'd brought me back to Neverland I had tried to explain to him that I didn't break the deal we made. I never disobeyed him and I never refused to do something, I was still his and that the mermaids took me without me actually trying to escape. But his excuse was that I still left and didn't wait for him wherever I was put, nor did I try and find my way back to him.

"Rise and shine, kitty," my eyes remained glued to the wind chimes on the ceiling. "Are you listening to me?"

I continued to ignore him.

To my surprise, he didn't throw a fit.

"Look at me, please,"

"Why should I,"



You may think it was pretty ballsy of me to be inconsiderate to Pan. But after all the utter bullshit I'd been through, I wasn't going to be an exact.. kitten.

"You are on thin ice, child," he responded.

"Okay, cool," I said sarcastically, still looking at the ceiling.

When there was no response, I just turned my head and saw him with one raised eyebrow due to my unintentional pun.

"What?" I asked.

"Fine," he sighed. At this point, even Pan was beginning to give up on the whole tough act.

I think I broke him.

"Adelaide," he asked me one more time; once more gathering my attention. "Are you hungry? The lost boys have gathered some fruits, and I'm sure my magic could make them into something worth while for you?" He asked, trying to get me to lighten up to him.

Which wouldn't happen.

"No, I'm fine," I replied, turning onto my side so my back was to him.

"I don't want you starving to death," I was about to respond to his comment with a snappy one of my own, but he cut me off. "Besides, there are easier ways to kill yourself."

I rolled my eyes and pulled my knees up to my chest, holding my hands close together.

"Adelaide, will you please cooperate?"


I heard him sigh and then footsteps sounded; signalling he left.

I lifted my head to make sure he was in fact gone, and when that happened I immediately got out of the bed and ran to the chest at the foot of it.

For some reason, Pan was actually stupid enough to put the chest full of magical items in the room with the girl who managed to implode his plans to live. But did I though? I was still bound to him- he could still find me at any time, he could still switch between which of us was visible to the outside world.

But it was only a matter of time before he was forced to find a more permanent solution.

So I started rummaging through the chest to see if I could find anything at all. The dream catcher was no longer there, and there wasn't much else to find. I thought that if I was tied to him, that maybe I could figure out how to magic my way out- part of his powers must've come to me, right?

But I couldn't find anything that would've been useful.

So I stood up and closed the chest, sulking back to the bed where I could lie down and become depressed over my current situation.

As I lied there, a sudden chill went up my spine. I swore I heard a whoosh noise, but it must've been in my head. I froze; not moving and gripping the single, thin sheet that was beneath my body. I felt the bed sink down next to me, and then a hand was placed on my cheek for 3 seconds. It was colder than death, and the room's temperature was below freezing. My eyes immediately closed.

Demons don't hurt you unless you're awake to witness them screwing with children's toys right?

The hand left, and the room was suddenly warmer around me. I counted to 60 in my head, and when I was sure I was alone again, I turned behind me to see there was something lying on the bed next to me.

It was a small wooden box. It was a light colour and was sanded down to perfection, with no design or name. Simply a box. I reached towards it slowly; my hands shaking. I sat up in the process and began to lift the lid. Inside there was a small vile filled with a black liquid. The light reflected off of it, but there was no seeing through it. It was darker in colour than the blackest of nights. It was attached to a chain, and a note was within the box as well.

The note read "More To Come, hide everything"

I didn't know it then, but help was coming my way. And it was coming from the most unlikely of places.





Okay I'm sorry I'm so fucking sorry I'm sorry I fucked up BAAD.

I've been absent for such a long time and I'm sorRY.

Take a guess where the story is headed ;)

But yeah, I'm gonna try and be more active but I can't promise anything because I'm unmotivated and I'm tired and I have no idea how to write my ideas out and make it all come together how I want!


Love y'all whomever you may be!! Xx :D


P.S. I'm in the mood for new friends + tea to be spilt

I need friends pls I'm desperate

The Monster Under My Bed • Peter Pan, Once Upon A Time •Where stories live. Discover now