Chapter 47

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It had been a week and Pan hadn't shown up. However, I did receive more peanuts; along with some grapes, pomegranate seeds and lots and lots of water.


After every predicament I'd endeavoured involving Pan, I'd lost count of the days and hours that passed; so I had no idea whatsoever what day it was. Neither did I know what time of the year it was. Time standing still in Neverland had its perks. I never had to worry about what time of the year it was, and being surrounded by boys meant I never had to worry about dressing in the right style. I mean; it did and didn't. Due to the drastic change in temperature between day and night, I had to worry about.. well let's just call them natures thermometers. Not that I had many clothes to wear anyways. I didn't have to worry about what others thought and I didn't have to worry about-

We're getting off topic.

Along with the food came 2 more objects throughout the week. One was a dagger, only about the size of my hand. It had a beautiful iridescent pattern on it that reflected the moonlight with an elegance I couldn't quite describe. The second item was a glass bottle of a clear liquid. I half expected there to be a little note tied to it that read "Drink Me", but then remembered I was in Neverland, not Wonderland.


As per usual, along with these objects and the much needed food was a note. Except this time it was a bit bigger. I had picked it up when I first got it and looked at it curiously. The writing was messy and the ink was black, signalling that it was clearly handwritten by whoever had been sending it to me. And seeing as it was messy, I could help but think it was another boy I would have to deal with in the near future. I read and re-read the note time after time again, yet it still seemed.. odd.

"Quite frankly, I'm surprised you've lasted this long. I have to say I'm impressed. Yet still, we have a while to go. As usual you are to hide everything I give you, and you are never to let him know what you possess. If he begins to appear suspicious, or you are under the impression that he knows than you pretend as though everything is normal. Only if he confronts you do you speak about this. Study the objects over and over. Only when you can believe that you are ready, are you to come and meet me at Dead man's peak, where you first noticed the eyes- bring them with you. Good luck, girl."

The very first sentence was one that easily offended me, and every time I read it my eyes managed to roll. But studying the objects was a confusing concept for me to think about. Two of the objects were literally bottles of liquid, and the other was a dagger, what was there to know? Was I supposed to memorize how clear the clear liquid was, and how black the black one was? Yet still, I did as I was told and I knew everything there was to know about them besides their purpose. I felt ready, but there was one problem.

I had no idea what the hell Dead Man's Peak was.

I figured I would just roam around the island or eventually get Pan to take me there one day.

I just hadn't planned it out all the way through yet.

As much as I felt ready, something about that day felt off. So I had to quickly tuck everything away in order to keep it concealed from Pan, whether or not he had been coming around recently.

And let's face it he probably watches me while I sleep.

I made my way over to the old dresser and picked up the hand held silver mirror that was lying face down. I stared into my beaten down reflection momentarily before walking over to the bed and sitting down as comfortably as I could. Yes, as cruel and distant as Pan had been, he'd still left the mirror there for me. As much as it hurt him to admit, I had to stay sane some way. I lifted my thumb and ran it softly over the little green gem at the top, thinking as best as I could about none other than Corey.

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