Chapter 10

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"What do you mean, trapped?" I said bitterly.

He means, trapped, Adelaide.

"I'm sorry Adelaide, I didn't do it on purpose, but he defied me, and I was forced to lock him away in an item called Pandora's box,"

I put he bear down on my other side, and then slowly turned back to him.

"Why did you want me here in the first place? And don't pull any 'I won the riddles game so I won't answer any questions' crap. Because this time I'm not taking it!" I stated firmly.

Slowly, he nodded in agreement.

"Adelaide, I once had a son," he started.

"You had a son?" I asked. It only made him chuckle, but then he moved his jaw around and looked back up at me.

"I'm older than I look," he took in a breath again and then continued on. "I abandoned my boy, in exchange for youth on this island. There's a whole explanation, but it's too much to explain. All you need to know, Adelaide, is that I have so much regret from not being a proper father to him, that when I met you in the woods that night, I felt like I finally did something right. In a fatherly way, and a brotherly way,"

"You want to be my dad?"

"Something like that. But, it would've made more sense when you were younger," he murmured.

"Why didn't you just take me when I was younger?" I asked him, not caring about whatever type of trouble I was getting myself into.

There was silence for a good few moments.

"There were.." he continued to look at his hands. "Complications,"

"Com-pli-ca-tions?" I said, laying out each syllable as I asked.

"I lost my power for those 12 years, you grew up before I could do anything to prevent it. I would've taken you sooner if I could've. But I needed to recover," he explained.

Well that's comforting.

I rolled my eyes.


"Adelaide, it's too much to explain for one night. Just, go to sleep alright? Maybe it'll help," he said.

"Help? With what I'm perfectly fine! I want to know how you lost your magic! Why you really want me here! What the hell Peter!" I argued.

"Adelaide just do it!" He said, lying me back.

"Uh, excuse me but-" I started as he pulled the covered out from under me and pulled them over my body.

He carefully picked up Willow.

"Do you want to sleep with her?" He asked.

I am a 17 year old girl I don't need to sleep with a teddy bear!

"Yes, and you're also a 17 year old girl who was afraid of the monster under her bed," he countered, but in more of a joking way than an actual mean way.

I glared at him and just snatched the stuffed animal from his hands.

"Alright, alright!" He said raising his hands in defence.

He was about to walk away when I stopped him with my voice.

"Peter?" He stopped in his tracks. Hearing me call him that, as well as call him back, must've really hit him.

Slowly, he turned around and paced back to me.

"Yes?" I paused, slightly scared for his answer.

"If it's too much to explain," I paused while he stood there and waited. "I'm an impatient and stubborn brat, could you maybe do that memory thing again instead, and then I could just dream about what happened and you wouldn't need to to sit and ramble on about what happened," I waited again and glanced up at his intrigued expression. "If it's possible,"I grumbled.

I could tell a small smile was twitching at his lips, but he held it back.

"Adelaide, they aren't your memories, so I can't do it that way," he said apologetically.

"Oh," I looked at his feet. "Is there any other way you could do it?" I asked next, looking back up.

Then that smile appeared through his attempt at a straight face.

"Yes," he turned around and bent down at the little chest where had pulled out Willow before.

When he turned around and stood up I was amazed.

In his hands he held a dreamcatcher. Not any old dreamcatcher. It defiantly was handcrafted, but it didn't look like a 3rd grade student made it. It has a pretty large base, and it was a light, beige, brown. The design of the twine was so different, something I've never seen before. In the centre was a large, green, stone. Well, stone, crystal, I couldn't tell the difference. There was feathers running down the bottom, like tails. The colours didn't belong to any bird I knew of. Some were brown and white, some were blue, purple, green, you name it!

It was so bold, and bright with its colouring, yet it didn't look like it was too much, or overly exaggerated at all. It was perfect and it was beautiful. The centre tail was a long, thing piece of twine with stones and crystals all down it. At the very bottom of it was a small silver crescent moon pendant, and a little transparent gem was hanging from the tip, as if it was a star. All in all it was a breathtaking object. But I didn't understand how a dreamcatcher would help with memory transferral.

"Sit up," he instructed. I did so and waited. "Dreamcatchers can be used for, well, catching dreams, as well as memories and thoughts," he explained as he held it up in front of his head, and sat on the edge of the bed.

He put it so it was lined up between the two of us and then looked at me through the twine.

"Are you sure you want to know all this?" He asked.

I nodded and he sighed, waving a hand and making the stone in the centre glow. A glowing trail grew from each sides, slowly making its way to each of our foreheads, until it connected, and my vision was once more filled with green sparkles.

A/N: wrote this at like 1 am again. Well. Right now. Even though when I post it, it's gonna be probably the morning or after 12 for me.

This is kind of just a chapter to more fill in the spaces, since I didn't want to do a memory chapter so soon right after the last one.

But I have a plan so nobody worry 😈 Hehehehehehehe


Love y'all whomever you may be!!
Xx :D


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