Chapter 17

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"God damnit Pan this cuff is starting to bug me!" I whined to myself. I was still wearing that obnoxious leather cuff thingy he put on my wrist just before he kidnapped me that first night in my room. Not that I knew how many nights it'd been. Seeing as time stands still in Neverland, it never seemed to be daytime. The moon was always dominant over the sun.

"Get. It. Off. Get it off. GET IT OFF OF ME!" I started yelling. He still wasn't back from whatever it is Peter Pan does and I was becoming more and more agitated by the second.

"Adelaide!" I glanced up at what sounded like a distant yell. During my silence I didn't hear anything, so I went back to angrily trying to get the damned cuff off. I leaned back on the headboard again and continued to fidget with the cuff.

"Adelaide!" It was slightly louder this time, as if it was getting closer, and I looked up again. Shrugging it off, and ripping at the bloody cuff again.

"Adelaide!" My head shot up again and this time I stood up and walked to the little entrance way. I bent down and started to walk down, but then I was stuck by a yellow glow holding onto the cuff around my wrist.

The rest of my body could get through. But from the cuff and to the tips of my fingers, I couldn't go down any further. That's when I remembered Pan had cast a spell to keep me in there. Turning my head, I saw something moving in the bushes.

"Adelaide!" It was in panicked screams and I looked around with wide eyes, trying to see what was running around towards me. The voice sounded oddly familiar, yet I couldn't place my finger on it.

Out of nowhere something came sliding out of the shrubs. There, in front of me, out of breath, stood my brother.

What the heckin' bamboozle.

He looked me up and down, his eyebrows furrowed at my appearance. I was nearly his height now, and was practically his age- seeing as he was 17 when he was captured, and now I'm 17 and captured.

"Corey?" I question, my eyebrows also knotted together and my expression equally as confused.

"Adelaide?" He asked, realizing it was in fact his sister. Last time we saw one another, I was 5. I couldn't blame him for being surprised. The tall boy was panting and had scratches and dirt covering his whole body. He wore black jeans and a blue t-shirt that didn't look as nice as it would have when he was first taken from me in the woods.

"You've aged,"

"You haven't aged,"

We said it at the same time while just staring at one another.

He started to walk towards me, reaching out, but almost instantly something was in front of me.

There stood Pan, and before Corey could stop and run away, he was being strangled by Pan. The older, much-much older boy, stood there with his feet planted firmly in the ground. His whole body was tense, and I could see his perfectly defined arms as he held my brother by the neck with his one hand. His profile was a strong frown, and he looked pissed as all hell.

Corey on the other hand, was lifted of the ground, his feet dangling as he struggled to try and pry Pan's fingers from his neck. His face was red and he was struggling to breathe.

"How did you get out?" Pan muttered darkly. Corey, obviously didn't answer, and simply kicked his legs around and tried to reach for Pan's face to try and stop him.

"Stop it!" I yelled. But Pan didn't look at me. He kept his eyes locked with Corey's, his face a page written all over with fury.

My brother was choking for dear life, I had to help him.

The Monster Under My Bed • Peter Pan, Once Upon A Time •Where stories live. Discover now