Chapter 34

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Warning: swearing is included in this chapter again. PROCEED AT YOUR OWN RISK!! 💕💕

"What is this place?" I asked Pan, staring at the cracked stone walls as we walked up the steps. Before he could answer, however, we had reached the top, and the whole area opened up. "Woah..." I breathed, staring at the huge space. Until my eyes landed on the huge hourglass in the centre of the cave line space. As my eyes wandered the large object, I noticed a huge crack in the centre of it. "What happen-" I started, pointing at the crack and earning a glare from Pan.

"Corey," he said coldly, not stopping when I did and walking towards it. I put my hands up in defence, following him to the hourglass. There were two large stones near it, and he gestured for me to sit on one, and stood in front of me as he did so. "I understand now you may want some answers," he says.

"Seriously. You're only realizing this now?!" I screamed.

"Wh-" he started, but this time, I cut him off.

"Are you that fucking stupid?!"

"Adelaide you DO NOT speak to me like that!" Pan yelled at me angrily.

"I think I've earned it-"

"You have earned answers and that is it!" He screamed, rage burning a dark flame in his green eyes, and balling his hands into fists. I put my hands up again and looked down, waiting for him to calm down from his temper tantrum. He let out a deep breath, looking at my angrily before continuing.

"Adelaide, this hourglass represents many things," he started. "My life force, my power, my youth,"

Your goddamn sexy as hell eyebrows?

He squinted his eyes at me, then smirked, lifting one of the previously mentioned eyebrows and moved on from my mental comment.

"And my time on Neverland,"

"Well hate to break it to you, but it's almost empty," I said casually, after taking another glance at the inanimate object. He rolled his eyes at me, and then locked his gaze with mine again.

"That's why you're here, Adelaide,"

My eyebrows furrowed.

"Excuse me?"

"You see Adelaide, it was never about getting your brother to Neverland. It was always about you," he said, bending down so he could put his hands in my shoulders.

"Well you did a fan-fucking-tastic job man, real great. You screwed up and it cost you 12 years," I retorted. He just narrowed his eyes at me.

"Maybe if the shadow wasn't stupid enough to actually take Corey, none of it would've happened. Why do you think I was even there when he went missing?" He asked me.

"Uh, because your shadow screwed up?" I asked. He just chuckled and nodded.

"I had to change my plans slightly," he admitted.

"Well then why did you not take me then you idiot?" I asked him, earning an annoyed glare for calling him that.

He sighed and shook his head.

"I couldn't just take you, Adelaide. I needed you to come on your own, so you could trust me," he started.

"Why?" I asked, genuinely curious. Then it got me thinking. What would have happened if he had taken me. Maybe it would've been nice, if I was younger. I was a little girl, maybe it would have been fun to be surrounded by basically a whole group of older brothers. They would take care of me.

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