Chapter 39

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"What're we doing here Pan this is useless," I groaned.

No, Addie, you're useless.

I rolled my eyes at myself as he circled me in the middle of the open area. I had the bow and arrow pathetically limp at my side as I saw all the other arrows at waste on the ground. Some were laying on their side, and some were sticking upright. However, being me. I hadn't gotten a single arrow in the target, or even in the stand it was on.

"We should try something else, seeing as archery clearly isn't your thing" he said, stroking his chin.

"You think?" I retorted, dropping the arrow from its hold on the string and looked up at Pan. He flicked his wrist, and in both of our hands appeared small throwing knives.

"Try this," he said softly, walking up to me and turning my eyes back to the target.

I lifted my arm, and went to throw. But he stopped me.

"Adelaide. Sweetheart," I gave him a death glare and he only raised his hands in defence.

"What, Pan," I said, extremely annoyed with him at the point.

"Not like that," he said, taking arms in his and standing behind me to direct my arms.

"Hey- nah uh bud. No clichés please," I said, pushing him off me.

"You're so difficult Adelaide!" He whined, stomping his feet like a child.

"You're so difficult Adelaide!" I mocked, starting to act like him. He froze and stared at me in disturbance. "

"What?" I asked suddenly.

"Dear god you are turning into my little sister," he swallowed what, as per usual, I was hoping was his pride, and then shook his head.

"Isn't that what you wanted?" I asked him, he raised one of his god-like eyebrows and I quickly recovered. "Or was it daughter? Oh wait, I can't tell anymore. Because one second you want to me my brother- or should I say father, which, is worse by the way, and then the other yoURE KISSING ME, LIKE WHAT THE HELL!?" I started yelling. Just as I did so he came closer and smacked me over the back of my head. And it was really light, surprisingly enough. "Hey!" I whined.

"Hey!" He mocked me just as I had to him recently.

"Shut up, can we continue?" I groaned. Then, all of a sudden. A smile grew on his face.

A smile.




"You want to continue?" He smiled. My eyes rolled.

"No, but it's better than listening to you go on, and on, and on, and on, and on,"

"I get it."

"-and on, and on, and on, and on, and on-"


"-About useless crap," I said. He shoved me lightly again, and I help up the knife, which only made him burst out laughing. I just groaned as he did so, throwing my head back in frustration.

"Come on, Pan, don't be, that guy," I said. But he didn't stop laughing. So, naturally, I did what any strong, independent, brave, smart girl would do.

I sat down and waited for it to end.

After what seemed like a century, Pan took in a deep breath, holding his stomach.

"Can we just-" I started.

"Yes," he sighed.

"But I don't think you should use those again," he chuckled, the knives disappearing. Then, replacing the knives was a long, wooden staff.

"What-" I started to question, but when I looks up, Pan had one in his hand, a deadpan serious expression on his face.

"Perhaps this will be better," he said simply. I nodded slowly, putting it firmly in both my hands.

When I looked up, Pan had already pointed his directly in my face.

"Never. Turn. Away," he said.

"Pan this is like something out of a movie. Like.. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, or Eragon, or the Hunger Games, or Divergent, or Twilight, or Pacific Rim!" I whined again. He just stared at me with a blank expression until suddenly.

"What's a movie?"

I just rolled my eyes and then shook my head.

"Never mind that," I sighed, lifting the staff again, holding it firmly I front of myself. He smirked at me, and pounded me right in the stomach with the staff. I let out a huff of air and stumbled back, but managed to stay on my feet. He raised an eyebrow and circled me, nodding at the piece of wood in my hand.

"Give me your best shot," he stopped in his place and bent slightly, holding his place firmly. I took in a deep breath and rushed forwards, but instead of hitting Pan, I spun around him and tucked his leg out from under him, using the staff of course.

Where did that come from?

Pan looked up at me from his place on the ground and furrowed his brows.

"Adelaide let me see your arm," he said out of nowhere as he sat up.

"What-" I started, but he just threw his staff and stood up, grabbing my arm, pulling my sleeve up to reveal the mark he had put on me. My eyes widened as I saw that it had grown from last time. Black vines were swirling up my arms from the P that was right in the centre, and had nearly made it to my shoulder. He stared at the it blankly, but he seemed angry, and he refused to speak.

Then, out of nowhere, he disappeared. And I was left alone. I thought to myself that now was the chance to run, but I then remembered that he hadn't switched us back, and he was still- from my understanding- the one who was visible to the rest of the world. I heard something shaking the bushes to my right, and looked over instinctively, grasping the wooden stick in my hand and pulling it close to my chest just in case.

Then, out popped a Lost boy I'd never seen. He glanced around, his eyes skimming the clearing. His gaze travelled over me but he didn't so much as do a double take, meaning he couldn't see me. I assumed he was just out looking for food or something, do I only shrugged off his presence, but kept watching.

"Coast is clear," he said.

"Wait- what?" I said out loud, not getting a reaction from them. Then, following him from out of the bushes.

Was Corey.

"Holy Shit,"


A/N: Hello and good.. 11:35 pm to all! Yes, I haven't updated recently. No, I'm not sorry I just had all my final exams so I'm FREEEEEEEEEEE

For 76 days at least. Huh. Not that much. Wow.

Well damnnit.


You guys have no idea how hard it was for me to write "Or Once Upon A Time!" In the part where Addie is talking about movies even thought that's a show but still.

@Elizabeth_Tailerte  Find it.

Love y'all whomever you may be!! Xx :D


P.S. Got some special stuff coming soon!!!

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