Chapter 20

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A/N: future note, any memory chapter will be in italic and 3 person view-unless I say otherwise ;)

"Adelaide hurry up or you'll miss all the games and activities!"

Currently, Adelaide was at a summer camp with her best friend Claire.

"Coming Claire!" She called in response.

Now Adelaide was 12. Peak of them teen years, are we right? She bolted out of the cabin they were put in, and into the centre of camp.

Once she got there, she quickly tied up her shoes again and gave them an extra tug just to make sure they were secure.


"I'm coming I'm coming." She groaned.

"Alright kids! First up we have all the sports! Who wants to play... capture the flag first!?" The camp counsellor asked the crowd of pre-teens.

Quite a few people raised their hands, including Claire. Adelaide didn't, however. She didn't know the next option, but either way she probably wouldn't care. The counsellor looked around, counting everyone who had their hand up.

"Okay.. obstacle course! Remember we're doing both so it's only whichever you want to do first," she reminded the kids. The majority of people raised their hands, and she nodded. "Obstacle it is!" She cheered. Everyone else cheered as well, and they ran towards the obstacle course's location.

Everyone got in line and Adelaide was in the middle with Claire. And so was Rebecca.

Rebecca was one of the 3 girls who used to always bully Adelaide. But then her minions moved, and Rebecca was alone against Adelaide and sometimes Claire.

"Watch me finish it the fastest, and with the least wipeouts. In fact, none at all!" Rebecca said snarkily as she turned around to face the two girls.

Adelaide snorted at th rude girl.

"Sure Rebecca. I'm surprised you even came, wouldn't you rather be having your parents buy you more new clothes you won't even wear?" Adelaide fired back.

"Uh, I wanted to come thank you very much," the girl retorted, her arms crossing and her hip popping out; the tell-tail sign of a stuck up bitch.

"Sure," Claire snorted.

"You against me Adelaide. Let's do this. Winner gets the other's dessert," Rebecca challenged. Claire shook her head when Adelaide looked at her for approval.

See, Adelaide is able to run fast and do all this stuff. She was at the camp last year, so she knows a few of the tricks of the obstacle course. But Rebecca actually does sports, and is fast and fit. So Adelaide didn't really want to take that chance.

"No thanks Rebecca. I don't need to prove myself to you, besides, aren't you watching your calories?" She said, a bit of mockery for the young girl's lifestyle lacing her voice.

"Fine. Be that way," she paused. "Chicken!"

Then Rebecca turned around and waited in line once more.

Adelaide looked at Claire and the two burst out laughing. They never cared what others think, and didn't need to prove themselves. So the word 'chicken' did nothing to two of them. Quite frankly, it didn't do much to anyone those days.

Eventually it was Rebecca's turn to run the course, and Adelaide wasn't really in the mood to pay attention, so she turned to Claire and the two talked for a bit.

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