Chapter 52

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"Felix!" Pan stormed into the camp, drawing the attention of every lost boy. The moment he arrived their voices stopped and their actions had slowed to be barely visible. They knew stopping completely would anger him more than if they cautiously continued their work, so they did so. Pan stopped in the middle of the camp, his eyes furiously searching for his head lost boy. Unfortunately, he was nowhere to be found.

"Cedric!" He yelled again, calling over one of the older boys. The tall lost boy glanced over from his work at the butchering station and stood up; a sigh escaping his thin lips as he walked over.

"Yes Pan?" He asked coldly, clearly annoyed from him being pulled from his work.

"Where is Felix?"

"He's meeting with the pirate, like you asked,"

"He should have been back by now," Pan said angrily, looking around for any sign of him.

"Hook has been difficult lately, you know that, you can expect he'll want something from Felix and since he went alone, he'll have to deal with the whole crew," Cedric responded, his eyes gazing off to no where certain.

Pan was about to respond when suddenly he took in a deep breath and turned around. Felix was walking into the camp as nonchalantly as possible, and Cedric took it as an opportunity to get back to his work.

"Why did that take so long?" Pan asked immediately, clearly upset.

"He wanted to negotiate with you, I told him you didn't have time for petty deals and he got upset," Felix answered casually, his hood slipping further down his forehead due to him having to look down at a much shorter Pan.

"Did he do as I told?"

Felix reached into his pocket and lifted out a tiny red scroll. Immediately Pan snatched it out of his hand and opened it to read the words written on the parchment. A grin curled upon his lips as he saw the golden writing, running his thumb across it gently.

"Is it real?" Felix asked, and Pan only nodded.

"Indeed it is- and quite deadly too," he spoke, then turned around and signalled for Felix to follow him to his tent. They entered the small structure and immediately Pan spoke. "Are any of the boys suspicious?" He asked, placing the scroll gently onto the table.

"Some, but they haven't spoken to me about it. You'd have to confront them specifically," Felix answered. Pan remained in the same position, looking down at the scroll, his hand hovering above it.

"Ah, decisions, decisions.. which boys stay, and which boys come along?" Felix didn't respond. "Most of them have started getting on my nerves either way.." he continued to himself.

"Which boys do you have in mind?" He asked, watching intently. Over the next few moments, Pan was silent. Until he finally spoke up.

"The majority of boys have begun testing my patience. I'm not sure I'd like to keep too many of them around," he began. "Jack and Cedric are on my 'keep' list. Finn and Chris.. I'm not sure what my thoughts on them are in this moment. James and Aedion are on my dark side at the moment and unless they impress me, they aren't worthy," he paused once more. "As for the others.. I haven't made a decision quite yet..." Felix was hesitant to ask the next question that crossed his mind, but he did so anyways.

"And me?" Pan was frozen. If you were to guess that his face bore a dead serious, frowned expression, you would be right. When he finally turned around, however, a magnificently crafted smirk was plastered across his face.

"Let me ask you this, Felix, where would I be without my most loyal Lost Boy?" Pan spoke. Felix parted his lips to begin in an answer, but stopped himself when he noticed Pan was about to continue. "I'd be Lost. Who would keep the lost boys in line when I was busy tending to far more important matters? Who would retrieve items from the pirate after he's done my bidding? I need you Felix. Don't doubt me," his grin curved in the opposite direction as a sign for Felix not to argue. The tall boy simply nodded in response, and slowly turned to make his way out of the tent. "Oh, Felix," Pan called, causing the lost boy to freeze.


"Don't forget, have the boys ready in the dark jungle when I told you, and do not, let the shadow catch you," Pan said, Felix's shoulders slumped down and he only nodded in a response as he walked out. Pan then turned back to the small desk and stared at the scroll. He took in a deep breath and smirked to himself. The prideful thoughts of his plan working racing through his brain. No longer would the shadow remind Pan constantly of the rules, nor would it get in the way of his desires. And no longer would Pan constantly search for a way to survive.

After all, nothing could kill him in this new Neverland.


A/N: I'm just hinting, y'all don't really know whats about to go down.


today is the 16th of September, 2018, and yesterday was my birthday.. yay? Idk I've always hated my birthday for personal reasons, and yesterday was kind of underwhelming yet again.

ANyways, wanna know some book drama? Trailer is up AND ITS UNLISTED, SO SUCK IT. I don't know if you noticed but it's attached to this chapter! If you've already watched it and commented on it in the chapter, then hooray and I hope you liked me shitty 3 minute 13 second long waste of space because of how awful it is! IF you haven't yet, go watch it and comment on this little paragraph about it so I know how bad it was! :))

'Tis all!

Love y'all whomever you may be!! Xx :D


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