Chapter 23

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Why is that all I can think about?

I've heard that name before.

But where?

It wasn't from when Peter told me what happened.

I feel like I've known this.. "Corey" for much longer than Peter says.

My whole life even.

But I've been with Peter my whole life.

Because Peter is my father.

Isn't he?


"Adelaide, darling, how long have you been awake?" I looked up from my sore fingers to see Peter walking in. I shrugged.

"I feel like it's been no time at all. But if I had to guess, I'd say and hour at the most," he nodded, glancing around awkwardly.

"So how're you feeling? Any better?" I only shrugged again.

"Alright," he smiled at me and sat on the edge of the bed as I said it.

I pulled my knees from their criss crossed position, and shoved them under my chin, and into my chest.

"Is there anything you want?" I was about to shrug one last time, but I really didn't want him bugging me at the moment. So I lied. Let's just hope he doesn't know about it.

Cause apparently he can read my thoughts.

"I could go for some food," I murmured.

"Alright, anything in particular?" He asked me.

"I don't know. I feel like I haven't eaten in days, so a lot of food would be ideal," I said shyly. He grinned at me.

"It's good that you want to eat. You've been passed out-not to mention in a bad and unhealthy state-for a long time,"

Nodding, he leaned in, placing a hand on the back of my head, and pulled me in. When he kissed my forehead, it felt like it'd happened many times before. I got this feeling of trust and safety, but not from Peter. Just, in general.

I can't explain it.

He pulled away smiling, and stood up. "

I'll be back soon Kitten," I nodded, watching him leave and sitting there quietly all the while.

Finally I'm alone.

Oops. Did he hear that.

Whatever, who cares.

"So now, this.. 'Corey'," I let out an exaggerated sigh and put my hands up in air quotes. I thought it was best to speak out loud instead of thinking inside my head and letting Peter know everything. My head dropped in annoyance and I rubbed it in pain, trying to search for the answer.

"Where... where... where.... where would I remember him from..." I sighed. "Peter said he was one of his boys, maybe something happened before whatever this incident was," I growled in frustration.

The Monster Under My Bed • Peter Pan, Once Upon A Time •Where stories live. Discover now