Chapter 38

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        Disclaimer: SWEARING! AGAIN!


"What the fuck are you doing here?!" I screamed. He only burst out into laughter, howling with amusement and leaning back on the footboard of the bed.

"Y-Your face!" He breathed through his laughter. "You look so shocked!" He yelled, pointing at me and laughing again after he'd calmed down.

"YOURE SUCH A DOUCHEBAG!" I screamed, giving him an angry look. He immediately stopped and stared back at me with an even more intense glare.

"Careful, wouldn't want the Lost Boys to hear you," he smirked, cocking his head to the side and raising a single eyebrow.

I furrowed my own and raised my hand in a 'what the hell do you mean?' Manner, staring at him in question.

"Good! Then they won't try to murder me!" I said, exaggerating the words 'murder me' so I could get my point across.

"Well, you see there a problem with that princes-"


"Stupid idiot," Pan rolled his eyes and crouched over in boredom, his chin resting in his clenched up hands and his cheeks puffing up in the doing so. Suddenly the tent flap flew and Felix stormed in.

"What?" He asked. I stared at him dumbfoundedly, glancing between him and Pan. "What?!" He sneered again.

"You don't see him?" I asked, shocked and surprised, gesturing at Pan, who only mocked me by mouthing

"You don't see him?" Felix gave me the most deadpan 'wtf' expression in the world.

"See who?"


"Excuse me?!"

"He's right there!" I pointed at Pan, who looked at Felix and gave him a childish smile from his slouched position, his head resting in both his hands. Felix raised an eyebrow and stared directly at Pan, but it was almost like he was staring directly through Pan.

"Do you need me to hit your head so you think a bit clearer?" My jaw just dropped and I stared at him in shock.

"Oh come on princess pick your jaw up from the floor," Pan retorted, rolling his eyes.

"He just-" I started but Felix let out a huff and turned to walk away. However, Pan didn't like that idea. He gritted his teeth and hoped onto the mattress, pushing me down by the neck, and looking me dead in the eyes, and making our eyes both glow a bright green colour.

I let out a scream, it scared me-I didn't know what else to do! Next to me Pan fell flat next to me on his back with closed eyes. Felix froze and turned around, his eyes widening.

"Y-you can see him now?! You believe me?" I asked, lifting my head. But Felix didn't so much as glance at me.

"Pan?" I asked, looking at him. "P-Pan," Felix stuttered. His eyes suddenly flew open, and he looked around quickly. Pan then only sat up and dusted himself off.

"I'm here Felix. Just to let you know not to touch the girl. She's keeping me alive now. You touch her, you kill me. That's why we'll be spending some time away for a bit. So she knows how to defend herself," he said darkly, not even looking at me.

"What?!" I screamed in shock.

"Leave," Pan waved off Felix, who ran out, and then stared at the wall for a few minutes.

"Pan?" I asked quietly. He turned to me slowly and clenched his jaw, but his eyes remained downwards.

"Let's go before I have to go back," he whispered, standing up and then offering me a hand.



A Hand.

I'm pretty sure that was the first, and only thing genuinely nice Pan had done for me. Despite, perhaps the time when he saved me from myself when I fell off of a cliff. I looked up at him and took it gently, getting pulled up. He started to lead me away, but then he pulled his hand away and waved his hand so we were suddenly in a room. I looked around at where I was. Wooden floors, wooden walls, a latter through the floor and only two windows. One bed, a chair and a small dresser with few drawers. A chest and one of those old thing people used to use for the bathroom. And of course, a few lanterns and candles here and there. I walked towards one of the windows- which had no glass- and saw nothing but branches and leaves. Then it dawned on me that we were in a treehouse.

"Pan?" I asked quietly.

"Yes darling?"

"What are we doing here?"

He sighed and walked to the bed, sitting down and letting himself fall back.

"I shall explain everything later," he answered. I rolled my eyes at him.

"Is that seriously how you're going to treat me again? I could always go kill myself so that you die, asshole!" I yelled at him. He didn't respond, instead he stood up and turned to look at me.

"Are you ready Adelaide?"

"For what?" I was caught off guard.

"To become a lost girl,"


A/N: my phone is messed up rn

But anyways

Hey guys I think I wanna die again

But never mind that

So yah bye

Cause I won't reveal anything

*hint read the schedule part of my bio

Love y'all whomever you may be!! Xx :D


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