Chapter 41 (for real)

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A/N: if u a real one u know what for real means.

After Pan said that, the literal only thing I did was blink, and suddenly we were in the treehouse. I looked at Pan, tears still in my eyes, and he only stared down at me in silence, his arms still wrapped around me- although it was more gentle now.

"W-where did they go?" I asked, like and idiot of course. I mean seriously? Addie you just told him to let Corey go and erase his memory.

"I did as you asked," he replied coldly, his facial expression blank and unreadable.

"What? Y-you didn't even let me say goodbye?!" I asked, pulled away from him. I made the same mistake as before, and I blinked, causing my surroundings to change again.

"Fine. Say Goodbye Adelaide. But he won't remember you," he said, his hand raising up and gesturing to the house on our left. It was then I realized we were in the middle of a street- but not just any street. The street I grew up on. I looked back at Pan and saw him pacing away passed a few cars to momentarily blow off some steam. I turned and saw my old house. The weathered grey stairs that had chipping paint and rotting wood. The jet black door and matching window sills. I looked up and saw my old room was dark, the blinds half drawn, but next to mine was Corey's. And in his room I could see him sitting at his desk, typing away on his laptop. He was focused on what he was doing, and I watched as he grabbed the cup of coffee on his desk and took a swig. I only stared at him sadly, taking a step forwards and clasping my hands together so I could pick at my rugged nails. I felt Pan's presence reappear behind me, but neither of us acknowledged one another. I then looked down and shook my head.

"Just take me back," I whispered, and my surroundings were changed once again. Behind me I didn't hear Pan do a single thing. He didn't move. He didn't speak- he didn't even let out a sarcastic sigh.

I simply stood their crying, and Pan didn't do a damn thing about it. I shook my head and pulled my arms up to wrap them around myself, in an attempted seek at comfort- considering Pan wasn't going to give me any. The whole treehouse was filled with nothing but the old furniture, and the sound of me realizing what I had down. Sure, I'd saved my brother from whatever pain he were to encounter. I'd saved myself from having to witness it. But I'd also sealed my own fate to be far worse than any of those. But I couldn't go back on my word. I had to do as Pan said, or else he would most likely go after Corey again in a form of blackmail. Behind me, I heard Pan taking a few slow steps away. Hoping with all my heart he was leaving, I steadied my breathing for a bit just to see if I could listen to him leave. But instead I heard the sound of a trunk opening, and heard Pan rummaging through it. Until I heard the trunk snap shut, and the sound of Pan getting closer to me.

"Adelaide," he whispered gently. I shook my head, not turning to look at him. "Adelaide," he said again, but I squinted my eyes shut. "Adelaide.. princess.?" He spoke softly, although his voice was more clear as he was now standing in front of me. His hand gently rested on my shoulder, and I curled my head inwards to try and get away from him as best as I could. "Darling," he said gently, pulling me close. I couldn't help it anymore I just pressed myself against him and sobbed my heart out. My arms went around his neck, and my face buried in his collarbone, while his arms just wrapped gently around my waist to hold me against him. I felt in his hands was an object but he didn't acknowledge it as he began to slowly rock us back and forth. "Shh shh shh," he whispered. He gently reached up and stroked my back, beginning to hum.


I recognized the tune easily, as it was that of his flute he'd played for me before. It calmed me down, sighed me in to slow and steady breathes as his free hand reached up even further to stroke the back of my head. He stopped humming momentarily to press a soft kiss against the side of my head, and made me want to immediately stay that way forever. After all, it was so relaxing, and gentle. Which didn't seem like Pan at all. However I still felt completely safe around him. He then slowly pulled away, lifting my head so I would look up at him, but my gaze stayed planted firmly on his collarbone, because I couldn't look him in the eye.

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