[1] Refused Tutor

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I could hear the whispers before they had even started. Everyone was glancing my way as I weaved myself through the wedges of students, clutching my notebook to my chest while trying not to look directly at anyone. Finally, I managed to reach the teacher's hall, and knocked once on the door of the teacher adviser's office, my heart beating rapidly against my chest.

The perfect student had been called down to the office. Ms. Know-It-All finally failed an exam. Teacher's pet forgot to turn in an assignment.

Each rumor that bounced off the hall walls hit me like a ton of bricks. My hands started to shake and my mind started to race, trying to recall every detail of the past week. Did I turn in my history project? Was there a quiz that had caught me off guard? Did I disrespect any of my teachers?

The door slid open as I was about to knock again, and I jumped, immediately bowing to whoever had opened the door.


"You're fine." The voice replied, and I stepped out of the way, waiting a few moments before raising my head and stepping inside.

Takeda Sensei was sitting at his desk, happily chirping away on the phone while scribbling down a few numbers and phrases before noticing me. He gave me a big smile and held his forefinger up, and I nodded, standing still while trying not to panic again.

Maybe I was getting in trouble for dropping that milk carton a few days ago...

"Tomo-San!" He exclaimed happily, slamming the phone down in excitement. He pulled out a small packet of papers and set them down on his desk before opening up a folder, which I noticed had my picture.

I bowed. "Hello, Takeda Sensei."

"I'm sure you're wondering why I called you down," he said with a smile, waving his hand for me to stand up straight again. I did and nodded nervously.

"Well, you see, I'm in a bit of a dilemma."

My eyebrow involuntarily raised and my uneasiness subsided, peaking over into curiosity instead. A teacher was asking me for help? This wasn't the first time it had happened, but it certainly was the first time I was caught so off guard by it. Usually it led up to the question by having me reteach the lesson to a group of students that way they could pass the class.

"As you may know, I'm the faculty adviser for the Volleyball Club. Which, at the moment," He chuckled nervously and scratched the back of his head. "seems to be riding some difficult waves to reach shore."

"What do you mean by that, Sensei?" I asked, shifting the books in my arms.

"Ah, well, you know how Karasuno High's regulations are regarding clubs and school work, I'm sure?"

Of course I did. Each grade had five classes, with the last two classes of the day being college preparatory classes. I was taking psychology and world history. Periods were 50 minutes long, with a 10-minute break in between. Usually, students took this time to socialize or eat a snack, something of the sort.

Subjects taught at Karasuno included English, modern Japanese literature, math, and physical education, the class I despised the most. My hand-eye coordination skills were sub-par. Luckily, grades in P.E. where accumulated by participation.

The school code that I was most aware of were exam grades. The passing grade for exams is 40 points, and students who failed their final exams had to take weekend supplementary classes and a supplementary exam for each failed subject, which were sometimes held during summer vacation.

"Hai, Sensei."

"The Karasuno Volleyball team's members... besides the Captain and Vice-Captain, are not the greatest at passing their exams. It's been going around the school that the volleyball club has begun its great comeback, which means we cannot have any days taken from us that could be used to practice. Our member's cannot be failing their tests or classes or the remedial process will be stealing their practice hours. Not to mention, failing a class means temporary suspension from the team.

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