[26] Friends Stick Together!

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"Dad, I'll be going now!"

I bustled around the kitchen to make sure the dishes were set to dry, wiping off my hands before picking up my backpack and swinging it over my shoulder. Dad's breakfast was ready and warm, already in a plate for him to eat. I had made onigiri with eggs, which was something quick and simple for him to chow down before leaving for work.

He was surprised, to say the least.

"E-Eh? It's pretty damn early to be going off to school, don't you think?" he asked as he skidded around the corner with a toothbrush hanging out of his mouth. I giggled and he eyed me suspiciously.

"I know you're crazy about school, but I think this may be taking it a little bit too far."

Smiling, I picked up a few rice balls for myself and headed over to the front door, slipping on my shoes and fixing the front of my school uniform. I hoisted my volleyball bag around my free shoulder and glanced back at Dad, who still seemed pretty lost.

"I'm tutoring half of the volleyball team this morning," I explained, tucking a strand of my hair behind my ear.

"I'll beat any one of those punks who gets too close to you," he muttered, running a hand across his stubbly chin. "Remember what happened with Oikawa?"

I winced at the memory.

Before my dad and him became like father and son, Tooru had almost lost a leg on our way to school. I guess it was a little bit on my part since I didn't tell him that I had finally met someone that didn't try and make me cry daily. He wouldn't have minded, I don't think.

What he did mind was that this new forced friend was actually a boy.

With his motorcycle, Dad had managed to make his point clear and Tooru never dared to cross 'the line' since then, whatever crossing meant by their standards. It was rocky at first having to deal with Tooru since he practically threw himself on me when I didn't throw myself on him first, and all his crazy fan girls tried to break my teeth when they realized him and I were now close, but I managed to learn and deal just like he did.

He was the one who encouraged me to pursue playing the piano when I wasn't stuck in a textbook.

That jerk. He probably felt like I owed him now.

"I remember," I said, shaking my head. "but don't worry, they understand personal space. They're nothing like Tooru."

I recalled the many times I was forced to stay behind after school to watch Toto practice his jump serve, having to point out his mistakes each time even if there weren't any. Iwaizumi had a lower patience than me and would always cut the practices short, despite Tooru's complaints.

My lips pursed.

I supposed there was someone like Oikawa. Someone who reminded me of those perfect jump-serves and scary accuracy.

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