[42] The Unexpected Disagreement

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Needless to say, the rest of practice didn't go as it usually did at all. Besides me being forced to stay put in the chair for my own safety, Shimizu and Suga had rushed out to buy me some snacks to raise my blood pressure, Ukai wouldn't stop teasing me about helping him win the bet and Kageyama's sets were, shockingly, slightly off, leaving Hinata swinging at nothing but air. Either sometimes he was too quick or he was too slow, but the point remained that Kageyama's pinpoint accuracy was lacking and in the pit of my stomach, I knew why.

Between plays, Kageyama wouldn't stop glancing over towards me.

"Here, eat these," Shimizu told me when Suga and her came back, hands full of sweets that I wasn't even sure I could finish. The nausea had finally left me alone and all I felt was a little weak, unfortunately too weak to open up the book and start reading. It lay on the floor beside me with my backpack, at the moment, forgotten.

Suga opened up a chocolate bar and with my mental calendar, I counted up the days until the training camp: two. Three before Golden Week, which meant the holiday's gave the boys time off from school to practice. I'd have to talk to Ukai about how much studying I could squeeze in.

"Dark or milk?" Ennoshita asked me, offering two bars. I smiled and took the milk chocolate, biting into it slowly. Practice was sure going to drag if I couldn't do anything. I couldn't read, make plans, help the members study or move around. Without anything to do, it was kind of lucky that my phone buzzed with a text message.

Received: 16:02
From: *° Tooru °*
To: Tomo-Chan
Subject: You're so mean!
Tomo-Chan, how could you?! (T ^ T)

I blinked, heavily debating whether I should answer or not. This was the opposite of lucky. What was he talking about? I hadn't spoken with him since the match against Aoba Johsai and didn't plan to afterwards. After putting me through so much, he easily pretended nothing happened, as if we were close friends again. I hoped Iwaizumi-San punched him hard.

Sent: 16:04
From: Tomo
To: Tooru
Subject: What?
How could I what?

Received: 16:05
From: *°Tooru °*
To: Tomo-Chan
Subject: Re: What?

I narrowed my eyes. I was so close to clicking the delete contact button but decided against it when another text came in, making me nearly drop my phone.

Received: 16:05
From: *°Tooru °*
To: Tomo-Chan
Subject: Re: What?
I'm coming over after practice to talk with you.

"Are... you okay?" I looked up and saw Shimizu glancing at me in worry, eyebrow raised. I must've looked like I was going to pass out since Suga was also eyeing me and I smiled weakly, palms sweating.

"Y-Yeah!" I assured, waving my hands around as I quickly tucked my phone away. There wasn't a doubt in my mind that Dad was the one who told him. Why was it his business who I dated anyways? After Tooru left Kitagawa Daiichi, I was alone for two years until we met again during my last year there. Things went sour and we stopped talking for a year afterwards. With so many time gaps, him and I weren't as close as we were before, so what did it matter to him? My gaze flitted towards Tooru's kohai for a moment and I internally began to panic.

If Kageyama saw Shittykawa at my house after practice, I wouldn't even know what to do. They both disliked each other immensely.

"Alright, bring it in!" Ukai's voice shouted. I bit my lower lip and slowly walked over, gears in my head turning. I could just not go home. That was an option. But where would I stay for the night?

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