[43] Teach Me How To Set!

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"Kageyama... shouldn't you be heading home?"

It was nearly midnight and he was still here, watching tv on the floor of my living room as I laid on the couch with an ice pack on my forehead that he'd somehow found in the medicine cabinet. Once I had calmed down and eaten the bowl of ramen he made me, we both went to our own things, exhausted. I read my book as he watched reruns of old tournament games, stuffing his face with junk food I was too tired to eat. Sure, I felt much better, but all I was waiting for was Kageyama's sure question about what the hell had just happened.

"I'll leave once your dad gets home," he said, popping another chip into his mouth, "Do you have a volleyball around?"

I paused in the middle of my reading and glanced up, thinking for a moment. Using a nearby pencil, I popped it in my book to save my place and placed a hand on my chin, almost certain that there was one in the shed in the back.

"I think we do..." I mumbled, standing up and heading towards the front door to slip on my shoes, "but it would be in the backyard."

No sooner than I had spoken, Kageyama rushed out of the house, yanking me along with him before I had even tied my shoes on properly. Whenever volleyball was involved or even mentioned, Kageyama sure acted just like Hinata. We made our way around the side of the gravel driveway my dad used for his motorcycle and went straight for the small little shack that held all of our gardening equipment, tugging open the wooden door and carefully digging around to avoid being cut or scraped by any stray tool.

"I found it," Kageyama grunted a few minutes later, pulling out the volleyball that was covered in mud. He obviously didn't mind and hurried to wipe away the dirt, pleased with himself. I shook my head as his uniform became stained with grassy mud and made my way back outside. Kageyama followed me silently and went straight to setting as soon as he had room to, a small smile lining his features. I watched in jealousy as he easily maneuvered the ball and I crossed my arms, a soft sigh escaping my lips, deciding to just get it over with.

"I'll text Iwaizumi-San and let him know what Oikawa was doing," I told him, "He deserves some common courtesy punched into him."

A light smile came to my lips as I recalled the many times Iwaizumi-San had been there to knock Oikawa into oblivion, not noticing that Kageyama had stopped and was now watching me as he held the volleyball under his arm.

"Oikawa-San is always trying to make me lose somehow." Kageyama said, snapping me back to the present. I pouted as his lips pursed into a small frown and I walked over to him, taking the volleyball to distract him. The last thing I wanted was for him to remember the bad times in Kitagawa Daiichi. I had only involved myself with the volleyball club during my first year, which was Tooru's last year, and did slightly recall that there was someone that made Oikawa's blood boil. Since Toto was such a drama queen, I didn't ever pay much attention to it, like at all. Now knowing that the person was, in fact, Kageyama, I wish I would have devoted more time into including myself with the club so I could have seen his skills from the beginning. All I could do now was work with it in the present and try and make up for all the trouble he was put through by our sadistic senpai.

"So, what's the secret?"

Kageyama blinked, confused. Unable to help myself, I giggled and held the ball above my head to make my point.

"How are you so good at setting?" I asked again, clarifying myself. The backyard had only two lights, each on opposite ends from where we stood, and even then I could still see pink dust his cheeks when he understood my message, coughing awkwardly as he cleared his throat, struggling to respond.

"You... it..."

I smiled. Stopping himself, Kageyama ran a hand through his hair unconfidently and tried again.

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