[29] Megane-Kun Vs Tomo-Chan

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The one thing that was truly a blessing for me whenever I stepped into the college prep classes was that my seat was in the back corner of the room, far away from anyone so I could peacefully pay attention and close enough to make sure I wouldn't miss anything important. It had the perfect view and since I was pretty adept at blocking out unnecessary distractions, everything worked out well.

"Now, we will be reviewing yesterday's material for today's quiz," Sensei Monamari explained as everyone filed into their seats, some groaning and some already accepting their fates. Personally, I began to shuffle in my seat slightly, excited. I was ready.

"Tch, teacher's pet is thrilled for a quiz."

I stopped moving immediately at the sound of Tsukishima's voice to my left, tensing up and clenching my seat underneath me. The sound of a chair scraping against the wooden floor was soon followed by the same cringe-inducing echo, filling me with dread when I put two and two together.

"Hi, Tomo-Chan! You don't mind if we sit by you today, do you?" Yamaguchi asked me, smile bright. I forced my head to turn and I couldn't help but return the gesture, relieved that I at least would be berated with him on my side. "We never noticed you were in this class because you always sit at the back."

"I'm sitting behind you two. I don't plan to start a conversation when I could be paying attention to class instead," Tsukishima muttered, pulling up his collar to hide his headphones. He took his seat behind me and looked out of the window in annoyed silence.

"A-Ah, that's okay Tsukki," Yamaguchi assured kindly. I bit the inside of my lip. He was probably still mad at me for the comment I made about his height.

"And so, can anyone recall what the Intermediate Value Theorem is?"

Automatically, without even taking the time to register my movements, my hand shot up, startling Yamaguchi slightly. Of course, I didn't notice.

"Yes, Tomo-San?"

"In regards to calculus from the lesson yesterday, if F is continuous on intervals A and B, and K is a number between F of A and F of B, there exists at least one number C such as F of C equals K," I said, standing up.

Mrs. Monamari smiled at me and nodded, indicating that I could sit down, but more importantly, that I was correct.

"Well done!" she praised, scribbling what I had said on the chalkboard. "And so in that case, the tangent line on the intervals must be..."

There was a tap on my shoulder and I turned my head slightly.

"If you could only reply as fast to bullies like you do to teachers," Tsukishima snickered into my ear, leaning back into his seat just as quickly as he had leaned forward. I frowned and refused to respond, grip on my pencil tightening.

"Is there someone who can remind us all who the famous Russian composer was whose works include the Nutcracker and Swan Lake?"

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