[12] The Warning

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The embarrassment that my incident had caused me locked me in total silence the entirety of the way as we walked back to the buses, each still wincing slightly from their fall.

I held my notebook close and kept my eyes on the ground.

"Don't beat yourself up about it, it was funny!" Hinata encouraged as he carried my giant backpack beside me. "And the only person who was actually hurt was Yamaguchi."

I groaned and dug my notebook further into my chest, not reacting when Hinata was berated by Ennoshita-Kun and Kageyama for making me feel even worse.

A few feet ahead, Yamaguchi turned around and again began to tell me that it had been no big deal.

"Honestly!" He protested, shifting the ice pack from his jaw, "I don't really even--ouch-- even feel it!"

My heart began to race and my vision was beginning to get blurry, eyes watering and movements slowing as the guilt and embarrassment settled in further. Seeing the physical damage I had done to someone who deserved none of it really cut into me. I wasn't going to shame myself further and cry in front of the team, but I really couldn't help how awful I felt and appeared.

My bottom lip began to tremble as Tsukishima scoffed lightly and Sawamura intervened, quickly jumping in and waving his hands around before I could spill a tear.

"A-Ah, Tomo-Chan, please don't cry! Mistakes happen, we just need to make sure we keep our guard up to not slip up again!"

The small pep talk the Captain gave certainly didn't stop my tears, especially since I had never gotten such caring words like those before. If anything, I began to sniffle even more.

At once, all the boys began to panic.





Their frantic, hysteric movements cracked a smile on my face and I shook my head, clearing my throat before wiping away from of the tears that had brimmed my eyes. Seconds later, my face was invaded with tissues, a volleyball, and some granola bars.

"PLEASE DON'T LEAVE US!" Tanaka and Hinata cried, holding up their gifts to me with eyes shut.

A bit surprised, I bit my bottom lip and glanced up at the rest of the team, touched by their reactions.

Takeda Sensei was standing beside Suga with an extra box of tissues, Shimizu was ready with a water bottle and chocolate bar, Yamaguchi held his pack of ice slightly extended towards me and Ennoshita had pulled out two different sandwiches, offering them to me with a small smile.

Tsukishima, although wasn't visibly holding something to me, had turned off and pulled out his headphones to glance at me and Kageyama had begun taking out a spare sweater.

Taking the volleyball and tissues from Hinata's hands, I smiled.

"I hope this proves to you that we sure didn't take that speech lightly, Tomo-Chan," Sawamura said, arms crossed across his chest as he smiled warmly at me, "This team is like a family, and once you're in, we treat you as such. It's just something that happens naturally."

As if they had expected it, Suga and Yamaguchi both flashed me a thumbs up and I smiled, now blushing slightly at how silly I must have seemed.


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