[5] Quick Attack

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My teeth began to chatter soon after I had made myself comfortable on the bench again, and I zipped Kageyama's sweater back up, hoping to keep it clean before being able to hand it back to him.

I was a klutz after all; something unforeseen could get the front of it stained, or worse, ripped.

As Sawamura-Kun began organizing everyone back into their positions, I managed to hear one of the guys on the frontline of the other team begin to taunt Hinata, and I scowled when I noticed Tsukishima had begun to join in.

"Teach me it too." He snickered, cupping a hand over his mouth.

Frustrated, I pulled out my pencil.

Tsukishima: An aggravator and aggravating. Tall. In actuality, a rather good test-taker.

There was a small snort beside me, and I glanced behind to see Sugawara-Kun hiding his smile, and I couldn't help but raise an eyebrow, hoping I hadn't messed up somehow.

"Tall?" He asked after taking a moment to compose himself.

Oh. That's what was so funny.

"Well," I began, trying to find a way to explain myself. "He's just... he's... he's a tree, Sugawara-Kun!"

Continuing to chuckle, he shook his head and placed a hand on my shoulder, before ruffling the top of my head gently.

"Yes, I suppose he is. And just Suga is fine, Tomo-Chan."

My heart swelled and I held onto the pencil in my hand tighter, a smile bubbling up as Sugawara patted the top of my head once more before turning to look at the game.

"...Chan..." I murmured, pointing my shoes inward in excitement.

"Ennoshita, nice seeerve!"

"Nice serve!"


I had almost forgotten where I was when the volleyball was served, making me jump and look up, my eyes straining to watch Ennoshita before letting them follow the ball as it flew over to Aoba Johsai's side.

It was received nicely, hit and sent to their setter in a matter of seconds. Again, it was hit and spiked, but luckily Tsukishima blocked it well enough to have it saved by Tanaka.

It was almost impossible to catch, but judging by the collective gasps from the audience and Suga, they had all managed to see Kageyama toss to Hinata, unbelievably quick and from a distance away. Takeda Sensei held his breath beside me and I automatically began to calculate the parabolic path.

"A quick attack from all the way over there?!" one of the fans questioned loudly, puzzled.

"It's going to be a little too high for Hinata," I whispered to Shimizu, raising my pencil to indicate the path the ball would take, but it had happened too fast for me to explain.

Hinata jumped, and his hand swung down to spike the volleyball but was met with thin air instead. The ball came back down to the polished wooden floor and rolled away, leaving Tanaka and Sawamura in silent shock.

"You're very quick at calculating all their moves." Shimizu noted, watching as Hinata stared at his hand in confusion. "It's very impressive, considering this is your first match ever."

At this, I flashed her a small smile, before taking out my notepad and pencil to try and show her.

"You see, a volleyball is lightweight and can only go so high and far from the court." I explained, drawing everything out as I spoke. "And when you insert each player and their positions, it even more so limits the direction the ball can go. Still, it's still a wide range of possibilities."

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