[30] The Blood Drive

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I didn't run into anybody when I was walking down the hallways towards the volleyball gym which increased my worries since I thought I was late. I must have a looked like a mess, with my backpack halfway open and notebooks nearly spilling out in my arms. I probably should have taken into account how long the line would be to sign up for the blood drive, but there was nothing I could do about it now. I had the information sheet and was on my way to practice.

The familiar open corridor that led directly to the gym doors finally came into view and I picked up my pace, mentally praising myself for changing into my uniform before I arrived. Hurrying up the steps, I hastily opened the metal doors and walked inside, ready to start helping them with their training.


I flinched and snapped my notebooks up to cover the front of my face, falling backward as the volleyball hit and bounced off my thin wall of defense. A scurry of shoes sprinted towards me and I was lifted up by my arms, surprisingly unhurt. A number of voices started to ask me if I was alright but the only thing I could manage to do was shake my head up and down, practically overwhelmed.

"You need to receive better or else you're gonna keep making them fly off course!" Kageyama shouted, pointing his finger right into Tsukishima's face. As always, he shrugged indifferently.

"Well, it's her fault for walking in late anyways. We left around the same time, she should have a good excuse," Tsukishima said, walking away from the group.

I didn't feel personally attacked by his words and instead tried to find my footing again, thanking Suga and Tanaka for helping me up. Hinata, Kageyama, and Narita were on their knees picking up my notes that went flying. I was about to start helping them out of embarrassment when Hinata shouted straight into my face, shoving a sheet of paper right into my nose, knocking me onto my behind.


I winced and took the sheet, shoving it into a nearby folder before anyone else could take it. Kageyama and Suga both stared wide-eyed at me and Shimizu raised an eyebrow, also concerned. I wanted to hide away, already feeling everyone start to calculate my body's height and weight.

"To be safe, the golden thumb-rule is to be at least 50 kilograms to donate," Sawamura-Kun said, reading off the sheet he had taken from my folder. I flushed, recalling what my most recent weight was from a week ago. Everyone looked me up and down.

"Tomo-Chan's got to be at the most 45, " Tanaka mumbled, eyes closed. My eyes widened and I shook my head, hurrying to stand up.

"I'm 47!" I exclaimed, cheeks bright red.

"Hehe, I'm 51.9 kilograms," Hinata chuckled with a hand over his mouth. I spun to stare at him and he looked away, smug smile still in place. Kageyama hit him and I pursed my lips, taking the notebooks and papers from everyone's hands. All I had to do was gain a few kilograms in three days. How hard would that be?

"You're not gonna be able to gain three kilograms in three days," Tsukishima announced as he came back from his moment of isolation, patting away his sweat with a towel. Yamaguchi and Suga both nodded, fingers raised.

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