Questions + Answers

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Hello everyone! Here are your lovely questions, so let's get straight to it!

Q1 - How far are you planning on going with the romance?
A - Okie so basically I've got the romance planned ALL THE WAY (yes smut) but if it is not wanted by the majority of the readers it will only go up to making out! So let me know...!

Q2 - Will we ever meet Tomo's mother?
A - Let's just say Crappykawa hates her, Tomo's dad was hurt by her and Tomo is scared of her... SO YES SHE WILL BE INCLUDED IN THE FUTURE

Q3 - Will Tomo grow any taller?
A - She'll be taller than Tsukki by the end-- jkjk no, she'll never be taller than Hinata, but maybe a cm or so.

Q4 - Are you planning on posting a visual representation of Tomo so we can see your idea of how she looks?
A - Yes actually! I'm asking my friend who drew Adelina (in my Black Butler story) to draw up Tomo sometime soon!

Q5 - Will Tomo have any major physical or mental changes?
A - Oh god yes. A million times yes. I don't want to spoil anything, but she will be a lot stronger both physically and mentally near the end of the 2nd book and beginning of the 3rd book (yes you heard me correctly). There will be a clear difference in Tomo since the first chapter, trust me.

Q6 - Where is Tomo and Kageyama's relationship going to lead to in the end?
A - The bed lmfao I'm sorry I couldn't help it. Well I don't want to lie so there will be a major bump in the road for them but nothing that can't be fixed with a few heart-breaking chapters! Mwahahaha

Q7 - Is there going to be a third book? Or a collection of their small adventures? Like small cute stuff they do together?
A - Yes, a third book! It's probably going to end being like 5 books with how many chapters there is in the manga -_-' but all those cute bits will be incorporated within the main storyline.

Q8 - Are you planning on a huge plot twist?
A - GOD I ALREADY HAVE LIKE 3 PLOT TWISTS PLANNED, Oikawa will be one of them, Tomo's mom will be one of them, Kageyama & Tomo will be one of them. Be prepared!

Q9 - Where do I get the motivation to finish writing stories?
A - Jeez this is hard. Well, it starts off with the obsession that I get from watching an anime. Comments and favorites/votes are also a big motivation! If I sometimes feel like I'm behind on updates due to lack of motivation, I rewatch an episode + basically drown myself in it that way I get that love for it back. My cousin is also a great help since she's my beta-reader!

Q10 - How did I come up with the plot of this story?
A - It honestly just comes on it's own, I have a big imagination so it helps! If it's a big plot line that has to tie in with the original manga/anime, my cousin and I get together and brainstorm, it's honestly such a big processes that is amazingly fun. It's not easy though, so I never write anything that isn't important. I love symbolism and every chapter has it + I plan things in the long run ( ・∇・)

Q11 - How did I create Tomo Katsumi?
A - Ahh my child. She's so precious I love her. First, I come up with a name usually. It should fit who I want her to be, and I figure that out by seeing what the character I'm going to pair her with needs. Tomo means Intelligence/Wisdom and Katsumi means Victorious Beauty. I knew from the beginning I loved Kageyama and he would be who she was going to be paired with, and since he is awful at school, harsh and densely awkward, I made someone who could balance and work with it while being entertaining; a smart, shy, shorter girl of the same age that could learn to love volleyball like he does.

If you guys have more questions or anything, comment them below and I would be more than pleased to answer them! They will be posted in my journal, so check that out in my works as well! I thoroughly enjoyed answering these and hope to be able to interact with my lovely readers even more!

Karasuno's Queen of the School [Kageyama Tobio]Where stories live. Discover now