[32] I'd Rather Die Than Be Distracted

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I watched as Kageyama took a large swig of water, debating whether if I should offer him some more food or just let it be. It was late, after all, and didn't males need more calories than females did? I remembered reading that in a book somewhere, but my memory of sources could more likely than not be foggy.

He wiped the side of his mouth once he was done, slamming the water bottle back on the table with a giant sigh of relief. I smiled and decided to move on.

"Thanks for the pork buns," I said, popping the last chunk of rice into my mouth, "A couple of those a day should end up working out for me."

Now with a new mouthful of fresh rice, Kageyama looked up at me in disinterest. "You're serious about gaining weight for the blood drive?"

I nodded, picking up my empty plate. "I already told you guys, I want that book."

He raised the chopsticks and pointed at me, eyes half-lidded. I could tell he was still tired from the way he was eating now, but I let him go on with whatever he was going to say.

"Don't do it, we need a tutor and if you die, we can't play."

I narrowed my eyes at him and spun on my heel, heading into the kitchen without another word. For a moment, I thought I was back to being badgered by Oikawa, but thankfully, I was wrong. When I finished putting my dishes away, I walked back and took his, which was practically clean.

"You must have been hungry," I pointed out. He shrugged and turned back to the volleyball game.

"Tomorrow, I'm planning on making breakfast for the team," his eyes flickered up to me when I mentioned breakfast, despite the fact that he had already finished his bowl, "so I could use your help bringing it there if you wouldn't mind."

"What time? And what kind?"

I shrugged and dug out my cell phone from my pocket, checking the time before looking back at him.

"Some pancakes, and rice balls," I mumbled as I scratched my head, "But I don't know what time. Can... I text you it?"

Kageyama turned his attention from the TV to me, nodding slowly before taking out his own phone that was in between his legs. He opened it and he waited for me to have the screen open before dictating the digits to me, not bothering to slow down in the case that I missed one. It didn't matter, though, since I only needed to hear them once.

"I'll text you from mine then so you have my number," I told him, pocketing my phone. He nodded, standing up and stretching his arms. I glanced at the TV and just as I had suspected, the game had ended.

I walked him to the door, watching as he slipped on his shoes and hoisted up his backpack, his eyes droopy from sleep slowly consuming him. I couldn't help but feel sorry, hoping he made it home safely.

"I'll see you tomorrow morning then," I waved as he stepped out, unbothered that he didn't wave him back. I shut the door behind me once he had passed the entrance way and made my way to my room, ready to fall asleep and curl up in the blankets. I wasn't too fond of the cold, but the warmth my pillow and heater emitted made up for the lack of warmth during the chilly nights. As I laid in bed, I shuffled to pull out my phone, remembering to text Kageyama before falling asleep, hoping my alarm would be enough to wake me up early on time to make the food for everyone.


Received: 20:27

From: Unsaved Number

To: Kags

Subject: Be Safe!

Karasuno's Queen of the School [Kageyama Tobio]Where stories live. Discover now