[39] Confession

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"So... do you like... Tomo-Chan?"

I dropped the phone, head snapping upwards to glare at Hinata who was now babbling as he scrambled to pick up what he'd made me drop.

"I-I y-you she and y-you--"

"Shut up," I growled, baring my teeth, "that's none of your business."

The crumpled paper that held all the questions and answers that I had scribbled down last night was forgotten on my desk, practically making fun of me for being so stupid. I'd left it out in the open and when Hinata and I came back from practicing outside, he'd read it without even realizing that he wasn't supposed to. I could have pummeled him into the ground in a heartbeat, but after dealing with so much, I gave up and only forced myself into my phone, rereading the texts from the group chat to distract myself.

She had never called me Tobio before.

"Do... you w-want to talk about it?"

"No," I muttered, face burning. God, now that Hinata knew, he probably was ready to laugh in my face about it. If he did, I'd break his teeth in.

"I know you and I both aren't experts in this type of thing, but I'm willing to just listen and not tell anyone about it," he tried again, rubbing the back of his neck as he sat crossed legged on the floor beside my bed.

I glanced down at him and narrowed my eyes. "This is what I meant by telling you I was dying."

Hinata blinked, putting two and two together. His smile then popped out of nowhere and I scowled.

"She probably already knows..." he sang, giggling to himself like an idiot. My heartbeat pounded loudly in my chest, leaving me panic-stricken. Abruptly, I snatched Hinata's shirt collar up and yanked him forward, growling out my question as my face burning redder.

"How would she know?"

The volleyball Hinata had held in between his legs rolled off and away, bumping into the chair by my desk. The chair slid slightly and it was just enough to distract me away from Hinata and he squirmed out of my grasp, panting. I slowly brought my attention back to him and glared.

"B-Because Tomo-Ch--"

"Don't call her Tomo-Chan," I snapped.

"B-Because Tomo is v-very smart," Hinata tried again. It irked me to see him call her such a close name when I couldn't do that yet.

Even Oikawa-San called her that.

"I know that, get to the fucking point," I pressed, standing up to snatch the damned sheet of paper on my desk.

"I mean, it's just a thought, but maybe she hasn't noticed," he mumbled, placing a hand under his chin in thought. "I feel like you two would make a good power couple..."

I flinched at the word 'couple' and buried my face into the paper. Damn Hinata, he was just making fun of me now. I knew this would happen, that's why I never told anybody.

"I mean, think about it, she's brains and you're brawn. She's short and you're unfairly tall," Hinata began to list, pacing around my room as he did. I glanced up at him and raised an eyebrow.

"She's sweet and very nice while you're mean and demanding. Gwah... you both balance each other out, it's kind of cool!"

I rolled my eyes, flopping back onto my bed, lips pursing and head hurting. As Hinata continued on to ramble on, the flicker of my laptop light caught my eye and I sat up, shoving him out of the way as I hurried to open it and turn it on. Unfazed, Hinata pulled a seat up beside me and pointed to the bottom of the paper I'd left on my bed, smile wide.

Karasuno's Queen of the School [Kageyama Tobio]Where stories live. Discover now