[14] She Didn't Mean It

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Tanaka seemed to take Hinata's response as an answer because again his attention was back to Kageyama, who seemed surprisingly untroubled by the questions.

Hinata, on the other hand, seemed a bit confused, even if he had just answered for me.


Not wanting to stay quiet any longer, I spoke up and shrugged Hinata off me, waving a hand in the air as I spoke, hoping to clarify his confusion as a thanks for speaking up for me.

"Shiratorizawa Academy is the best in the prefecture, even throughout the entire country there are likely little more than 8 championship schools encroaching on others' schools territory." I explained, smiling at Hinata's 'oooh!', "In other words, it's one of the best schools out there."

Hinata licked his lips and Kageyama tilted his head to summarize my point. I couldn't help but notice that his eyes seemed to reflect a different sort of emotion when he spoke, and I had to look away.

"I didn't get into Shiratorizawa."

Tanaka shouted right into my ear and I flinched, swatting him away in irritation.

"You didn't get in?!"

"Don't be so rude, Tanaka-San." I scolded, shaking my head.

Kageyama's abilities shouldn't be taken so lightly, especially since Tooru had been the one to sharpen them.

"I didn't receive a recommendation from then, and wasn't accepted standard way." Kageyama explained with a simple shrug, "The entrance exam didn't make much sense."

My inner perfect-student cringed at his unconcerned way of speaking about the standard entrance exams. This even more so confirmed my suspicions that his only focus was volleyball, and that alone. Schoolwork and tests were obviously not at the top of his priority list.

If the entrance exam didn't make much sense to him, he would really need my help to improve in school.

"You would've aced the entrance exam, right, Tomo-Chan?" Yamaguchi asked me, putting me on the spot.

Biting my bottom lip, I shrugged and answered as plainly as I could, hoping to continue listening to Kageyama's situation instead of speaking myself.

"I didn't respond to Shiratorizawa's recommendation."

Suga gaped at me but Tsukishima's snickers interrupted the conversation that was about to surface, causing us all to face him in confusion as to what could be so funny.

"Heh... so the 'King's' academics don't amount to much of anything then," He sniggered, arms in his pockets. I frowned as he kept pushing Kageyama's buttons and crossed my arms. "Good job."

Tooru's smug smile flashed in my mind and I scowled, feeling the annoyance that had gone through me just a few hours ago surface again. I could handle Tooru's pestering and Tsukishima's rude remarks, but I felt as though Kageyama had had enough for one day.

Karasuno's Queen of the School [Kageyama Tobio]Where stories live. Discover now