[41] Tomo Lies, Kageyama Tells The Truth

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My house was always cold. During winter, the only thing that saved us from becoming human popsicles were the heaters Dad pawned off a friend. I slept with two blankets most of the time because of this but even then I never was a light sleeper.

Today was Monday and I was again wide awaken before the sun could reach its morning peak. I couldn't blame the temperature this time for me not sleeping, though. I couldn't sleep because of how much I was thinking about Kageyama. Today would be the first day we would be at school together, as a couple. Maybe we should have agreed to keep the news on the down low before starting school. I was a nervous wreck.

"This doesn't seem real..." I mumbled, lazily shoveling cereal into my mouth, ready to leave. Dad was still sleeping in his room and I was trying to be as quiet as possible, slowly putting the dishes away and slipping on my school shoes since it was time to go. I pulled the front door open and stepped out only to bump into someone head on, nearly falling back but was luckily caught by the arm before I could.

"Dumbass," the familiar indifferent voice muttered. My cheeks heated up as I realized it was Kageyama and hurried to apologize, closing the door behind me. He let go once I regained my balance, refusing to look at me. I gulped when I realized why he was at my house so early and my hands started sweating.

"Let's go, you're gonna make us late," he mumbled, scratching the back of his head, just as jittery as I was. I raised a brow and blinked.

"You're... walking me to school?" I asked, baffled. Kageyama scowled at my question and instantly turned, walking away from me with his fists clenched tightly at his sides. I stood, rooted to my spot as I tried to see what I had said wrong and hurried to catch up with him, lips pursed.

"Today's the blood drive so I'm going to be a little late to practice," I told him after a few minutes of walking. I was trying to liven up the mood a bit and offer a topic of conversation but even this got slammed down instantly. With Kageyama narrowing his eyes forward and scowl growing, I could easily tell he wasn't too fond of the idea.

"Oh, here," I said, stopping him before he could make the turn into the main road. I pointed towards the alleyway I always took to avoid the to-be-dropout clique. "Let's go through there."

Kageyama's scowl disappeared and he furrowed his brows, confused.

"Why?" he asked, glancing hesitantly towards the back way. Umi-San, Yatzu-San and Hatsumo-San's faces flashed through my mind and I laughed nervously, unable to come up with a reason that didn't sound completely pathetic. Avoiding the same girls that made me cry a few days ago? First day together and he'd probably already be ashamed of me.

Instead, I offered more of a question than a statement, shoulders raising as my hopes did too. "Because... it's faster...?"

Kageyama stared me down and I could feel myself crumble.

"We're going the main way," he said, continuing on. I panicked, shuffling in my spot for a bit before scurrying after him, making sure to stick right by his side. Obviously, I wasn't totally hidden from view, no matter how hard I wished I was. As we passed the main markets I knew were near the school, my eyes darted back and forth, trying to find that awfully over dyed blonde hair. It was hard to keep track, since so many kids were biking past me while others sprinted amongst their groups. I was half surprised I didn't see Hinata among the kids zooming by on their bikes.

"What the hell's your problem, Tomo?" Kageyama demanded, oblivious to my worries as he tried to loosen me from his arm, "that's my serving arm, let go--"

"Look who's taking the main road again, Yatzu-San!" Umi-San exclaimed, suddenly making her appearance front of Kageyama and I, nasty smirk in its usual place. I groaned and Kageyama stopped walking, head tilting. The wave of students flowing by us didn't seem to halt like we did and instead curved around us, some uninterested while others whispered to themselves as they kept walking. I tucked a strand of hair behind my ear and waited for the regular dose of attitude from them.

Karasuno's Queen of the School [Kageyama Tobio]Where stories live. Discover now