[25] The First Scores Of The First Pop-Quiz

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For once in my life, I felt like I had genuine power over those better than me. I had the ability to mold them and bend them however I pleased... and it felt great. No wonder Tooru always did what he needed to in order to get his way. The results, large or small, were addicting.

"E-Eh... Tomo-Chan? Can you give them their scores now? You're scaring them..."

Suga's voice startled me and I jumped from my spot on the floor.


I blinked a few times before snapping out of my trance, realizing that I had been actually wearing an evil smile as I was grading the sheets. My cheeks warmed and I bowed my head so low, my forehead hit the ground. I bounced back harshly, nearly toppling over.

"Oi, I want to go home now," Tsukishima called to me, clearly bored. "Just tell us who failed already."

Suga jumped in front of me to stop Tsukishima's words from angering me

but I brushed them off pretty quickly, actually pleased that he had unintentionally started off my report. Getting up from the wooden floor with the papers in hand, I smiled widely and held the quizzes on my hip. I could see Tanaka and Hinata taking turns fanning each other from the stress they were under by the nets, practically soaked already despite their efforts. Kageyama was standing beside a scared Ennoshita, muttering to himself darkly as he covered his face with his hands desperately and everyone else only seemed slightly impatient, wanting to know their scores.

Not wanting to stall any longer, I spoke.

"Some of you did pretty well, I'm impressed!"

A collective sigh of relief escaped the team member's lips but I jabbed a finger in the air quickly.

"I might add, though, that the highest score was a 78," I mentioned, ignoring the terrified reactions from them, which even included the captain.

I raised the sheet in the air.

"I'll go from highest to lowest."

Walking over to Suga, I smiled and gave him his quiz, bowing my head.

"Suga-San, you got the 78. Good job," I praised.

He gave me a look of disappointment mixed with relief, letting out the breath he was holding in. A few empty claps echoed in the gym and I made my way towards Ennoshita-Kun and Sawamura-Kun.

"Both of you tied with 70."

They took their sheets weakly and I glanced down to see which name was next, forcing myself not to give it away once I had seen it.

Stepping up to Tsukishima, I kindly placed the sheet in his hands and smiled warmly, immensely pleased with his look of irritation.

"68. Nice job." I said without another word.

I continued on down the list, giving Kinoshita-Kun his 67. Narita-Kun and Yamaguchi both received marks of 60's, and by now, I had hit the lowest scores of all. Biting their nails, I approached the worst students and sighed.

"Tanaka... you got a 32," I said, giving it to him. It took a moment for him to register what I had said and soon after he fell to the ground in a heap of distress. awkwardly, I stepped over him.

Both Kageyama and Hinata watched me apprehensively, lips quivering in either fear or anticipation. I frowned.

"Kageyama, you managed to hit 23 points," I told him, before turning to Hinata. "And... you... only got 17."

Takeda Sensei stepped in quickly when I finished passing out the last quiz, smiling nervously as each team member fumed at the sight of their score. I wasn't fazed, however, because these reactions were pretty common when I tutored. But my end results were always more than enough to prove I knew what I was doing.

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