[15] Her Dad Is A Punk Biker?

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Soon after, everyone had made their separate ways back home and as expected, I was the last one to be dropped off. Hinata and Tanaka both refused to let me walk back alone up until I reached my front door, both made sure I was safe and accounted for, although it wasn't really necessary.

It sure felt nice to be cared for by friends, though.

"This is your house?" Tanaka asked me when I stopped at the small road entrance way.

Just by the look of fear in his eyes and the way Hinata was hiding behind him, I could that letting them bring me this far had been a mistake.

Besides being one of the houses that was a distance away from the nearest neighborhoods, the fact that the only way to get to the front door was to walk through an unpaved path didn't make it seem any nicer.

Personally, I felt as though during the day, the overgrown trees and vines that entangled themselves between the wooden fence that barely separated the property from the woods was beautiful when the sunlight hit them just right.

At night, however, walking through the plants without a light in sight really set the mood for murder to come.

"Yeah... it might not look like much but it's livable," I told them, bowing deeply before taking the case of beer Tanaka had set down. "Dōmo arigatōgozaimashita."

Thrusting his thumbs at his chest, Tanaka grinned widely and completely oblivious to the fact that he had just whacked Hinata in the face.

"Don't mention it!" He exclaimed loudly, startling the small creatures that were scattered around us. Then he lowered his voice and bent down low, elbowing Hinata again, only this time in the stomach.

"Actually, mention this to Kiyoko-Chan."

I chuckled nervously at this, confident that a simple act of kindness wouldn't catch Shimizu's attention. In any case, I bowed my head to Tanaka-San again and extended my hand to Hinata, who took it gratefully as he rubbed the spots Tanaka had unintentionally slammed into.

"We'll see you tomorrow then," Hinata said with a small groan, forcing a smile. "Thanks again for the curry buns."

I nodded and gave them both a small wave before turning to start to heading down the small pathway, stepping over the overturned rock that was always in my way and making sure to avoid getting caught between the uplifted roots.

My house sat just below the small hill the path would lead over, which died away just as the front door made itself visible. I could see that through the window that was partially covered by maroon curtains, my dad was comfortably sitting in his usual seat at the living room table, TV on and motorcycle most likely parked in the back.

I had to admit, no matter how untamed and large the plants had grown, my house remained untouched and if anything, beautifully modern.

This was of course because I constantly was reminding my dad to garden.

Being careful to not drop anything, I opened the front door and set my things down, sighing in relief when I noticed nothing had spilled. Slipping off my school shoes, I pushed the door closed with the back of my free foot and began to look for my slippers when I heard a thump.

"Ow, shit... Katsu, is that you?"

Pursing my lips, I stood up and flipped on the lights.

"Yeah, it's me... sorry for getting home so late," I said, inclining my head. "I managed to get you your beer from Mr. Ukai, though."

A heavy hand fell down on my head and began to ruffle my hair around despite my whines.

"You're the best, you know that sweetheart?" He chuckled, finally lifting his hand.

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