[13] Ukai Hands Out The Usual

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Thankfully, the only injury that had occurred after Kageyama's head trauma was Hinata tripping off the bus when we had gotten back to Karasuno, which was --surprisingly-- an actual accident.

Once we were all inside and the boys were all practicing, Shimizu-Senpai and I took a seat in the corner of the gym, glancing over my notes as we waited for them to finish up. We had to stay and help with the light cleaning, after all.

A club was responsible for its place of practice; it said so in the school rule book.

"You really are super analytic," Shimizu said as she flipped through my notebook with a smile, forcing a light blush on my cheeks. "I can't wait until exams start."

I pulled out my small organizer automatically and flipped to today's date, running my finger across the page to the following month where a large red circle was marked. The first exam was going to be mathematics.

Shimizu patted my hand. "I'm glad we have such a prepared tutor."

The smacks of the volleyballs caught my attention as I flushed red and soon after Sawamura-Kun began to call everyone over, waving his arm as he and Suga stood by the closet door.

They each held a mop in hand.

"Time to clean!" Suga exclaimed, popping the wooden mop in Hinata's hands happily.

I smiled as Hinata frowned slightly, having predicted that he wasn't one to clean. By instinct, I also reached out to take a mop but Shimizu held me back with a small shake of her head.

"We don't usually have to clean, Tomo-Chan." She said, patting the stage behind her.

Hopping up on it, she sat down and waited for me to join her, which I happily did.

It sure felt good to not be uncomfortable with others. Normally I would have excluded myself as much possible considering how many people were in the gym, but I no longer felt as scared anymore.

But I had to admit, I was still a nervous wreck.

"Tomo-Chan!" Suga's voice shouted, scaring me enough to make me jump in my spot.

Slowly turning, I saw him jogging over to me with a warm wave and I shyly returned the smile, unsure as to what I could have done wrong.

Maybe I was supposed to clean since I was a first year.

"Do you think I could look over the notes you took today?"

Without blinking, I nodded and handed him over the notebook, bowing before I did so in respect for him being my Senpai. He seemed a bit taken aback.

"Wow, you didn't even flinch!" He praised, to which I furrowed my brows at.

Huh, he was right. I hadn't even skipped a heartbeat.

Continuing to smile, Suga ruffled the top of my hair affectionately before walking away and over to Sawamura-Kun, who was busy scolding Hinata and Kageyama for trying to see who could mop the fastest and almost breaking their necks. He seemed pretty worn out.

"I think that's enough light cleaning!" Sawamura announced as Takeda Sensei returned to the gym. "Good work everyone!"

The boys all scurried to line up, returning the compliment loudly. "YOU TOO!"

Hinata, however, seemed to be falling asleep on his feet. With a harsh jostle, Kageyama had him awake again.

Sliding off the stage, Shimizu and I began to pack up our things when Mr. Takeda approached us both, along with the Captain. I paused and glanced at them a bit puzzled.

Karasuno's Queen of the School [Kageyama Tobio]Where stories live. Discover now