[27] My Heart Is Distracting

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I weaved my way in between the groups of students blocking the hallway, rolling my eyes as Hinata again tried to explain that Kageyama really was sick and possibly on the brink of death. They followed closely behind me, pleas falling on deaf ears. Hinata's main concern with this overly-dramatic situation was the possibility of no longer having someone to set for him, and Kageyama's concern was no longer being able to set.

Reaching Class 3, I spun around and faced both of them, crossing my arms and brushing off Hinata's teary eyes.

"He's not dying!" I exclaimed, grabbing his shoulders and shaking him lightly. This seemed to finally snap Kageyama out of his own worries and he also began shaking Hinata around, only much rougher and aggressively.

"You said I only had a few weeks to live!"

Placing a hand on his arm, I tugged Kageyama away from Hinata, hoping to clarify this up before class started.

"Why would you think that?" I asked Hinata, who seemed to be spinning in a dizzy circle. He raised a finger into the air and tried to respond.

"He said his heart starts beating really fast sometimes and that it gets hard to think clearly," Hinata explained, now using the wall as a support, "doesn't that sound like he's going to die?!"

I pinched the bridge of my nose but that didn't stop Hinata from continuing on with his supposedly fact-based findings.

"He said it's been happening for a few days now, but it got really bad yesterday when we were walking you home!"

A sudden devilish smirk laced my lips. If they were really so concerned about Kageyama being sick and refusing to believe me, then I would at least play along until Suga convinced them they were wrong. That's what a mom did, after all. Comforted and assured. And as a fellow club member, messing with them was also one of my unnamed duties.

Turning away from them, I faced the inside of the classroom and placed my thumb on my chin, hoping to convince them with my fake despair.

"It's gonna be really hard to find a new setter that's as good as Kageyama..." I mumbled softly, adding in a sniff to emphasize my sadness.

I could hear the sudden change in the air as they started to panic again, leaving me with a smile that I had to hide behind my hand. They were so gullible, I could convince them that aliens played volleyball on the moon and they wouldn't question it. Tooru fell for it when we were younger, only he actually was the one that suggested the idea. I only supported it when Iwaizumi showed his annoyance towards the notion.

"My heart's doing it again," Kageyama muttered behind me, clutching tightly at the front of his shirt. "and my face is getting hot too."

Before I could turn around to see if he was exaggerating or not, the first bell rang and the sound of students rushing to their classrooms muffled out Hinata's goodbye, leaving us both in the now abandoned hall as others shuffled past us into the classroom. I could hear, however, the voices of the same group of girls that came up to me in the morning, chattering away angrily. Kageyama's hand locked itself around my forearm and I was pulled back as Umi sauntered into the room, for once, ignoring me completely.

I lifted my foot to move, but the slow, heavy breathing down my neck made me shiver and kept me frozen in place. Kageyama slowly let his fingers fall from my arm and I turned my head to face him, confused. He seemed incredibly flustered.

"Does it hurt that badly?" I asked, brows furrowed as I began to skim through several health conditions he could have. The flu was possible, and so was a fever. Telling him he had to stay home for a while wouldn't work out well, but if need be, the Captain and Takeda Sensei would make it mandatory. A sick setter wasn't an asset. Besides the point of me personally wanting him to be fine, I also couldn't allow him to ignore what could be big symptoms.

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