[44] The Rooftop View

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I never understood how easily it was for my dad to wake up so energized even after a night of heavy drinking that would inevitably lead to a terrible hangover, especially if he'd been drinking with Ukai. I just hoped that our coach was in the same state as my dad if we wanted practice to go as it normally did. Kageyama seemed amazed that they hadn't gotten alcohol poisoning yet.

"It doesn't even taste that good anyways," I said, making a face as I recalled the time dad gave me some to satisfy my curiosity. Kageyama stuck his tongue out at the thought of it and shook his head.

"Milk is better," he yawned. I smiled at his response, knowing well enough how much he preferred the dairy product over any other drink.

A few feet ahead of us, a number of students began to suddenly complain, moving one way or the other as a familiar head of bright orange came into view, bouncing its way towards us with his bike against the flow, creating quite the disturbance. Kageyama scowled when he caught sight of Hinata's bright smile, who was apologizing left and right for making a scene.

"Ah, gomen, gomen!" Hinata yelped as one student raised his fist to swing. Panicking, Hinata sprinted out of the way and finally reached us with a heavy pant, smile still in place. I gave him a wave and he bowed his head to me, extending out a small little box that was nicely wrapped with a red ribbon.

"My mom made you daifuku to thank you for making Natsu the soup," Hinata explained, beaming. His happiness was contagious and so I took the box with an equally bright smile, unaware of the daggers Kageyama was sending our way. There was practically a black cloud of fury behind us and it wasn't until Kageyama's hand fell on Hinata's shoulder that we noticed it.

"Oi, dumbass," Kageyama said through bared teeth, scaring even the second and third years walking around us, "don't you remember rule three?"

Hinata's face went white as he gave Kageyama a slow and shaky nod, trembling so badly that even his bike was jittering. I couldn't very well tell what rules they were hinting at and felt myself also succumb to Kageyama's terrifying glare, stuttering out my question as we made our way into the school. Tanaka and Nishinoya were out sitting on the front lawn eating breakfast and waved at us when we passed by, motioning for us to join them. We had no real means to deny the invitation and since Hinata was on the cusp of being murdered, we sat down with them and each took a slice of bread. I made sure to sit in between both boys as Nishinoya offered us some jelly to spread on our toast.

"So, now that you guys are dating, are you walking to and from school together?" Tanaka asked as he stuffed his mouth with a peeled orange. I nodded absentmindedly and bit into my strawberry jam coated toast, my thoughts still on this 'rule three'. Not having any better option, I turned to Nishinoya.

"Nishinoya-Senpai, do you know what rule three is?"

Hinata almost choked on his food and Kageyama spun to face me, eyes as wide as saucers. Nishinoya, being proud to have been called a senpai, puffed his chest out and turned to Tanaka.

"Ah, good ol' rule three," Tanaka-San sighed, wiping the leftover orange juice from his mouth with the sleeve of his uniform, "it's one of the unnamed named rules that men have with one another regarding women."

I pursed my lips.

"Unnamed named rules?" I echoed, puzzled. Nishinoya nodded earnestly and continued on from where Tanaka had left off.

"For example, rule one is to never date or talk to your friends ex. They are off limits!" he proclaimed, hand at his chest respectfully. I glanced sideways at Kageyama in disbelief and he looked away.

"Rule two: men must stay loyal to friends but understand that their woman now holds a different title and placement that does not equal the title and placement as said friends," Nishinoya said. I was beginning to see a pattern between the rules and set down my toast, which was unfinished, eyebrow raised.

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