Ash x Misty // PokeShipping

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Ash's POV~

I stood on the ferry, and I could see my hometown. There were only one thing on my mind. Okay, maybe two things. Food and Misty. But food could wait.

"Pika! Pika, Pikachu!" Pikachu hopped off my shoulder and ran towards my mom who was waving from my house.

"Hey, buddy, wait up!" I laughed and chased after him. "Mom!" I gave her a big hug and waved to Mimey.

"Sorry to leave so early Mom but I really wanna go see Mis-"

"Looking for me?" a familiar voice called. Misty walked out of my house, arms wide open.

"M-Misty!" I exclaimed, embracing her in a hug. I wrapped my arms around her waist and she did the same with my neck. I saw Mimey and Mom awkwardly walk back into the house. "I missed you so much."

"Well no duh! You are my best friend, you know," she giggled. I broke the hug and put on a straight face.

"Misty, about that.."

"Pika!" Pikachu yelped and Misty scooped him up in her arms.

"PikaPal!" She rubbed her cheek against his, and he squeaked. He hopped from her arms to my shoulder again.

"Pikachu, go inside and play with Mimey, okay?" I said, and he cocked his head. "Ash and Misty need some 'talk time'." Pikachu winked at me, which I didn't know was possible, and ran inside. I chuckled slightly and shook my head.

"Now, Misty.."

"Hey, Ash, so who did you travel with in Unova since Brock and I weren't there this time?" she asked.

I sighed. "Well, I traveled with a guy named Cilan. He was one of the three gym leaders for the Striaton gym. He's a really good cook, too."

"Sounds like Brock," she pointed out. "Former leader of the first gym. A good cook, that's for sure. And what about the girl?"

"What do you mean 'what about the girl'?"

"Ya know, there's always a girl. Me, May, Dawn."

"Her name's Iris."

"Is she pretty?"

"Yeah." I nodded. "I wouldn't hit on her though. Besides, Cilan already called dibs." I smirked. "Anyway, she's a dragon tamer. Her dream is to become a gym leader."

"That's cool." Misty smiled.

"So, what have you been doing around here?" I asked.

"Oh, just running the gym, training, and swim practice keeps me busy."

"It must get lonely," I realized.

"Yeah, you're right. But Gary sometimes comes in after hours and we'll either battle or swim or just hang out."

Gary...I couldn't stand him. We were friends and all, but rivals. And he knew my true feelings about her. I wonder if he let it slip...



"I've been meaning to ask you something."

"What is it?"

"I-I have a confession to make.."


I just let my feelings pour out.

"First of all, the Totodile we both tried to catch was actually yours.."


"And I really really like you."

She just stared at me and glared before hugging me once more.

"Ash, I just don't know how we could make it work if we tried."

"But we can!" I said as I ran my hand up and down her back. "We can do it. It's been too long just being friends."

"I-I agree," she stuttered. "But with traveling and your dream-"

"I'm gonna stay home for a few months ya know. No more traveling until March. I'll head to the Kalos region." I broke the hug and stared into her bright blue eyes with hope. "Can we at least try to make it work?"

"I guess we could give it a try!" she offered, hugging me again.

We stayed like that for a few minutes in complete silence. I wanted to stay like this forever. Finally, finally, it was happening. After all these years.

"Hold up, that was supposed to be MY Totodile?!"

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