Delayed Flight.

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I recommend skipping the first five chapters...? Idk. The earlier chapters may not be as good as my later ones. So like, read on and shit! Thanks for actually choosing to read this too, btw! - K.

"The flight to Switzerland is delayed for an hour due to heavy weather conditions." Nico stifled a groan of annoyance. 

"Oh my gods, why?" Will muttered, beside him. 

"It's not that bad." Nico said, intertwining their hands together. 

"At least it's just an hour. Not five like what happened to Jason that time." Will laughed, remembering that funny episode when Jason had phoned them from Romania panicking. 

"C'mon. Let's walk around for a bit." They walked, hand-in-hand.


Large windows boasted the runway and aeroplane hangars. Airlines flew in and out.

"Woah." Nico breathed, staring at the glass windows. 

"Hey, I have an idea." Will said, dragging Nico toward one of the windows. 

"What are you doing?" The raven haired teen asked, as Will sat down. 

"Killing time," Will replied, pulling Nico down. "Let's play a game." 

"What game?" 

"For every plane that we see at the runway, you have to say something you love about me...and vice versa."

"Okay.." Nico said, plopping down beside his blond haired boyfriend.

Nico placed his head on Will's shoulder. 

"There's one. My go. I love the way your hair smells after you shower." Will blushed. 

It wasn't everyday that you heard the son of Hades speak like that. He missed the next plane. 

"I love the way your lips feel against mine." Warmth flooded his cheeks, as he buried his face in his arms. 

He never thought that Nico would take the game seriously. It still hasn't occurred to him that he hasn't said anything back.

"I love the way your frame feels against mine." 

"Nico..." Will whispered, still buried in his arms. 

"I love how you blush everytime I kiss you, or say I love you." Will was positive that he might be on fire right about now. 

He'd never thought that Nico had the ability to make him redden to that extend. 

"I love how your fingers intertwine with mine." Nico's warm breath ghosted over the shell of his ear. 

"I love how safe you make me feel." Gods. 

Nico was taking this very, very seriously. 

"I love how your hugs make me wanna melt in your arms." 

That's it, Will twisted around, tackling Nico in a tight hug.

"I love much.." Will said. 

Nico chuckled, pressing his forehead against Will's. 

"You're blazing red, Solace." To which Will blushed even harder. 

Nico laughed again, pressing a kiss onto the blond's lips.


Author's note: (How cute is this?? I liked how it came out. I might just expand to make Solangelo one-shots. Rate and comment please!! Thank you! 💜)

Love y'all!
- K

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