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"No, Will, it is not your jacket."



Hazel rounded the corner, where she found her brother and his boyfriend in a small argument.

"Hey guys-"

"Hazel, please tell your brother to return my jacket immediately." Will deadpanned.

"Uh, what? Um, Nico, return Will his jacket?"

"But I'm cold!" Nico whined, and huddled even more into the slightly oversized jacket.

"So, I'm not? That's the third one you've taken, babe, give it back."

Nico pouted. "But I like your jackets."

"I do too. Now gimme back."

Hazel watched their banter from the sidelines, trying to keep the proud smile from tugging at her lips.

"Please? You can take it back later."

Hazel felt a little bit out of place, watching Nico pout and pull his last card, the puppy dog eyes, and watching Will sigh in defeat, kiss Nico on the forehead, and grumbled under his breath.

"Fine, whatever. You better stop by the infirmary later with it."

"Why stop by the infirmary when you can stop by my cabin."

Will rolled his eyes affectionately, and turned to walk off, not before offering Hazel a high-five.

"Your brother is exasperating."

"You're dating him." Hazel answered cheekily, and Will uttered something along the lines of, are all the children of Hades cheeky?

The blond walked off, and Hazel returned her attention to the blushing brunet that stood in a red jacket that clearly wasn't his.

"Hey, Hazel. I'm not returning his jacket, by the way."

Now it was Hazel's turn to roll her eyes. "Nico, your poor boyfriend."

Nico chuckled, and ran a hand through his curls. "He knows he's not getting it back anyway."

She pulled him into a quick hug.

"I feel bad for Will, he's got to put up with you." She said jokingly.

"Hey! I am not that bad."

"Are you sure about that?"

"Excuse you!"

The siblings collapse in a fit of giggles.


Author's note: ABRUPT END. Woot! Jk, this chapter wasn't even what I wanted to post, wtf someone help, like, my motivation decides to run away. It suckssss...im stuck in a writing rut.


This was kinda shitty, but like, I kinda like it, as with all my chapters.


Comment any ideas, uk, the usual...and like...dm me whenever!

Love, K.

P.S. I only posted this because I felt bad for not posting in a while so...I WAS GUILT TRIPPED BY MY OWN SELF TO POST. I hope things'll pick up soon.

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