Just...love me.

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"I'm home!" Nico called, and stepped into the apartment he and Will, his boyfriend, shared. There was no reply, but Nico could tell that Will was home by his shoes, which were neatly arranged at the shoe rack. Nico took off his coat, and headed toward their bedroom. 

"Hey-" CLUNK! 

Nico's jaw dropped in surprise, freezing momentarily. 

 Will stood at the side of the bed, looking mortified. 

There was a quick beat of silence before Nico cleared his throat nervously, and said, "So how was your day?" 

"Oh my gods, I'm so so sorry. Agh, gods. Didn't mean to do that, I swear." Will sunk to sit on the bed. 

"Aw, what happened?" Nico asked, walking toward his flaming red boyfriend. 

"It's nothing. There's just this nurse in the hospital that's so so clingy and annoying." 

"What?" Nico demanded sharply. 

Who was this...this harridan that dared to even hit on his boyfriend?! 

"Yeah, she blows my phone up with calls and at work, she's always flirting and ends up endangering the patients since she's such an airhead." 


"I know! I justt flat-out said, I'm gay to her and she just giggled and said, "Well honey, I can make gay men straight."" Will let out a pained groan, and buried his head in his hands. 

Despite everything, Nico chuckled at how irritated Will was. Nico squeezed Will gently and pressed a kiss at the back of his neck. 

"I can call her and tell her to fuck off, if you want." Will laughed quietly. 

"Maybe." Will twisted around, and caught Nico's wrist. 

"But now..." Nico grinned at him, capturing the blond's lips hungrily. 


Author's note: Well........................................................I'm sorry? I'm like, the worst author on this website, I swear. I know I promised two new chapters, but...what can I do if my mind is as dry as a rock?? Maybe tomorrow will better. Also, this chappie was a biiiiiiiiit cringey, but it's not so bad. PLEASE LOVE ME DON'T GO....

Love, K. 

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